hi guys, i have a problem and i don't know what to do or who to tell... i've started dating a mild asperger 4 months ago, he's really sweet and i would had never noticed he has asperger unless he told me, he's a bit shy in large groups and he stresses a bit much for somethings, but no big deal (as far as i know ) actually, most of her friends and family dont' even know he has asperger.
the problem is that, when i introduced him to my parents, he told them he has asperger,not giving much importance to it, but now they have panicked, specially my mother, telling me that i should not date him, that i'm making a huge mistake, that the simptom is uncurable, that if i marry someone like that i would have to take care of him all my live and that our sons would provably have it too (yes, all this only after 4 moths of dating) anyway, all kind of stuff like that.
I've tried talking with her, explaining that it's not that big of a problem but it's useless... he tells me that i'm not a doctor and what do i know, and she doesn't even know him... just for a few hours.
i don't know what kind of thing had she read on the internet or if she's making all of it by her own but it's really tearing me apart,,, he's the sweetest, caring and smart boyfriend i've ever had and i don't want to breakup for something like that...
what could i do?
PD: sorry my english, it's not my first lenguage