I have no desire for a full-on relationship because I grow tired of people quite easily. I am considered bisexual, but I lean more towards men on the attraction scale. My preference for a relationship is actually a short-term emotional fling between two people who need a release, and that fling should last only a short time so attachment doesn't grow. I'm not sure why I feel this way, but I feel tied down when people grow overly-attached, and I desire my independence. I am also polyamorous, and I would take on more than one of these flings so long as the partner knows and agrees to my lifestyle. If, however, they disagree with it I would make sure that they would be the only one, or would be sure to never start the fling with them. Also note that the fling doesn't have to be sexual at all. I have very little desire to actually have intercourse, and have no interest in breeding. Is this unusual at all? Do any of you feel a similar lack of desire for attachment? Also, do you feel trapped when someone grows overly-attached to you and it was not your intention for that to happen?