Would it be creepy to approach a hot stranger in the street?
The people I meet through my job are the perfect opposite of what my "type" is and I'm not even interested in making friends with them, besides bonding is not required as I'm the boss. It's been a while since University and I don't belong to any sports clubs, or other activities. I'm new in this country and I only know like two people. I need a place to find pretty girls that I like and it so happens that the only place I regularly see my type is in the streets. Would it be creepy to approach a hot stranger in the streets if done in a polite and non insistent manner?
I think that most women would be very nervous if a total stranger walked up to them in the street and was trying to pick them up.
All relationships of a sexual type need to start with two strangers talking to each other, the thing is that you need an "excuse" for the two of you to be talking. For example if you are at university and sitting in a lecture room waiting for the lectuerer to arrive you would be better talking to a random woman about the weather rather than how hot you think her body is.
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Diagnosed under the DSM5 rules with autism spectrum disorder, under DSM4 psychologist said would have been AS (299.80) but I suspect that I am somewhere between 299.80 and 299.00 (Autism) under DSM4.
I think it would be fine. If she is smiling, and you find beauty in it, I see nothing wrong with telling her she has a beautiful smile. A persons smile is so much a part of who they are. It is a nice and not intimidating compliment[ at least that is the ase with myself and most women that I know.

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Because I hate sports and there's nothing to do in town that doesn't require at least half an hour of public transportation surrounded by dirty, smelly people without a spot to sit anywhere.
I do not enjoy group activities with people of a different social background as myself. Unfortunately even my few friends are of a different social background and I almost never meet similar people that I could socialize with or when I do they are much older, not very intelligent or ugly in which case I am not interested in making friends with them.
Besides, my type is hard to find. They don't go to these sorts of places anyway and have boring jobs.
Vicky, no, so many women keep explaining that this is distressing and that we don't want this. Please don't mislead him.

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YES!Chances of getting maced or called a stalker or a creep are increased by 300% do not even try, give up while you can to preserve your innocence just don't bother, give up you have no hope or chances! You will be vilified if you do so you may as well quit!
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Depends how much money you appear to have:
Assuming you're of middle class financial means and can't rely on your Lamborghini to do the talking for you, I'd say no it wouldn't be creepy so long as you're polite & proper about it vs. crass or insistent.
There's only one way to know for sure... try it and find out! Don't let fear hold you back. Just do it and see how people respond. And do it several times regardless of the first response or two, because one or two people don't represent all people. Use the reactions you get from each attempt to fine tune your approach and see if you can do better the next time. Practice makes perfect.

Yes. In my experiences trying to go straight into a relationship based on physical attraction is a bad idea anyway. Rushing into relationships tends to end up with one or both parties hurt
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Speaking as a woman -- YES this is creepy, and NO don't do it. While there are some ways of giving a strange girl a genuine smile on the street and not have it come across as creepy but as a compliment, it's very tricky to pull that off. I've had various different kinds of "strange man flirting when passing by on the street" experiences over my lifetime, and I can tell you that MOST of them were not at all welcome, even if the man was being polite.
Someone just a few weeks ago crossed over the street on his pushbike to stop me to talk, and almost immediately asked me if I'm single. NOT COOL. I found that absolutely insulting because it's inappropriate -- the street is not the place for "meeting new people". I'm a middle-aged, averagely attractive woman but I dress very conservatively and am certainly not looking like this kind of thing is welcome or that I'm trying to get "picked up."
The "street" is NOT the time or place to approach a total stranger with a view to finding someone to ask out. It's an uncomfortable situation to be confronted with when you're a woman walking along just trying to go about your day, because it's way too similar to the scenario of street hookers and their customers, however innocent your intentions may be. As a woman being approached on the street by a man who wants to get to me know is completely inappropriate and not the time or place.

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vickygleitz, I have to disgree, especially about the "if she is smiling" part.
Interestingly, someone did a survey/research that showed that men misinterpret strange women's facial expressions in a public setting an alarmingly high proportion of the time, so much so that some of the men in the survey believed that even if a woman just happened to meet eyes with them accidentally, while passing on the street or walking through a supermarket, the man actually believed that she was "interested" in being approached by him, even if she wasn't smiling!
That is such a deep misunderstanding that it's scary. Sometimes a person can't help accidentally catching someone's eye -- or indeed being caught in a smile about something else -- and then apparently a percentage of men make ALL kinds of assumptions based on that one eye contact!
So please, not even if she's smiling. I've been caught smiling about something else entirely -- I was out feeding birds -- and a man has thought that must mean it was okay to approach me for his own agenda. Not cool.

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Someone just a few weeks ago crossed over the street on his pushbike to stop me to talk, and almost immediately asked me if I'm single. NOT COOL. I found that absolutely insulting because it's inappropriate -- the street is not the place for "meeting new people". I'm a middle-aged, averagely attractive woman but I dress very conservatively and am certainly not looking like this kind of thing is welcome or that I'm trying to get "picked up."
The "street" is NOT the time or place to approach a total stranger with a view to finding someone to ask out. It's an uncomfortable situation to be confronted with when you're a woman walking along just trying to go about your day, because it's way too similar to the scenario of street hookers and their customers, however innocent your intentions may be. As a woman being approached on the street by a man who wants to get to me know is completely inappropriate and not the time or place.
What's the meaning of all this? Hmm? Are you implying that young women who dress less conservatively stuff or even exposed stuff are asking to be approached/picked up/harassed, hmm? Are you implying that those who wear mini skirts or micro shorts are ....umm wanting attention like street hookers? Even hookers are usually very verbally clear when wanting attention from some client, relating the op's method to the hooker scenario is like you are implying that it's ok and normal for men to harass hookers, and as if you are being offended because you are being "compared to a hooker" with this approach- and not because the whole approach method is wrong. tsk tsk.
You know, this way of thinking is integral in the global "rape culture" mentality, justifying harassment or even worse, rape, by blaming the victim's choice of clothing!
Anyway, I would leave tarantella and starvingartist to teach you over this.
Tarantella and starvingartist, go ahead!
[/opening a can of worms]
Someone just a few weeks ago crossed over the street on his pushbike to stop me to talk, and almost immediately asked me if I'm single. NOT COOL. I found that absolutely insulting because it's inappropriate -- the street is not the place for "meeting new people". I'm a middle-aged, averagely attractive woman but I dress very conservatively and am certainly not looking like this kind of thing is welcome or that I'm trying to get "picked up."
The "street" is NOT the time or place to approach a total stranger with a view to finding someone to ask out. It's an uncomfortable situation to be confronted with when you're a woman walking along just trying to go about your day, because it's way too similar to the scenario of street hookers and their customers, however innocent your intentions may be. As a woman being approached on the street by a man who wants to get to me know is completely inappropriate and not the time or place.
What's the meaning of all this? Hmm? Are you implying that young women who dress less conservatively stuff or even exposed stuff are asking to be approached/picked up/harassed, hmm? Are you implying that those who wear mini skirts or micro shorts are ....umm wanting attention like street hookers? Even hookers are usually very verbally clear when wanting attention from some client, relating the op's method to the hooker scenario is like you are implying that it's ok and normal for men to harass hookers, and as if you are being offended because you are being "compared to a hooker" with this approach- and not because the whole approach method is wrong. tsk tsk.
You know, this way of thinking is integral in the global "rape culture" mentality, justifying harassment or even worse, rape, by blaming the victim's choice of clothing!
Anyway, I would leave tarantella and starvingartist to teach you over this.
Tarantella and starvingartist, go ahead!
[/opening a can of worms]
i didn't get that meaning from what she said at all, that she was justifying any kind of harassment. nice try, boo.

maybe i would feel differently if i didn't dress so conservatively myself, but i do dress pretty conservatively so it's hard to say.
You know, I am 46 years old and I cannot think of one single person (friend, acquaintance, colleague or neighbour) who has or has had a relationship which started with a stranger approaching them uninvited in the street (bookshop/supermarket/wherever you don't expect to be chatted up) and making a personal comment to them. Not one.