kraftiekortie wrote:
I think Boo is in Lebanon.
I hope you get the job, Boo. If not, keep plugging away!
You have a good sense of humor. Take advantage of it.
Also: You could be a good actor and at least pretend you're a social butterfly LOL
I don't use humor in interviews, I dunno if I had to use it in this particular case.
My answers were mainstream, I didn't know what I was supposed to answer back then, he got me off guard with those, to the marriage question for example I answered "I didn't find the right person yet" - and for the future plans (related to the marriage question) I was like "No marriage plans for now, still seeking meanwhile I am planning soon to enroll in courses in....and in..... to sharpen my knowledge".
I was bit dodgy I guess, what what I was supposed to say? Probably I should have lied and said I have a gf but still in early stage.
For the social question I was like "I am always friendly, easygoing and diplomat with people in workplace and elsewhere".
For the club question I mentioned the gym and the hiking/rafting clubs.
He did not ask a single work or skill related question.
Last edited by The_Face_of_Boo on 09 Jul 2014, 7:29 am, edited 2 times in total.