kraftiekortie wrote:
She's either saying:
1. The "right girl" for somebody (including your brother) doesn't come too frequently, and that he is missing is chance to marry the " right girl." It is possible that your mother might believe that the "right girl" has already come, and that your brother missed his chance of happiness through marriage to this "right girl."
2. That the longer he waits to pick a girl to marry, the less chance he will have to marry someone, owing to his advancing age.
Maybe she means these things, but she'd be wrong on both of these too.
1. The right girl will short out his brain like 10pm on the 4th of July (in America) and it'll give him no choice but to go cockywhompers over her.
2. Men get more attractive over time, mostly and generally speaking.
(Karma that keeps track of how many chances you're "owed," and how to damage (or reward) your life in highly ironic ways, or that because he made these women become older w/out marriage he'll be owed a reduced count of opportunity to make him old or some such cosmic balance sheet.)
(14.01.b) cogito ergo sum confusus
Last edited by 1401b on 27 Aug 2014, 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.