Well it must be a blue moon again because once again a girl has accepted me on a dating sight. Now I'm hoping I can work out how to not screw it up this time. There are some girls who are keen to meet right away but this one seems kind of introverted (she says she has poor social skills and dislikes pubs and clubs). That's fine by me, I mean, like attracts like right and there's less pressure on me to be Casanova but it could also be the blind leading the blind. Introverted girls may like chatting online for weeks before dating, which is fine by me since I'm not very spontaneous anyway but it does make it harder for me to figure out when she's ready to be asked out.
She seems pretty smart. That's great, brains are massive turn on for me.
Her description says to expect nothing more than a chat yet her profile says she's seeking friendship or a long term relationship (but not casual dating).
She says she likes debating philosophical issues and that she's a vegan. At first I thought that would be good because I'm interested in philosophy and enjoy a spirited debate. I don't have anything against vegans though I hope she doesn't expect me to become one.
But I don't know if she wants a real two sided debate or just a soap box to stand on. Some of the girls I've spoken to in the past took it personally when I took the contrary position on some issue that had nothing to do with us. I hope she wouldn't say she wants to debate than get offended when I actually debate. If I'm to be a vegan she's first have to make a very compelling case. At the moment I don't want to be one at all.
She says she often doesn't get along with people and often doesn't share the same views. I often don't share the same views as people but I've learned to accept that.
At first I thought her profile description read a little cold but in our so far very brief conversation she's put an emoticon in every one of her sentences. Maybe I shouldn't read too much into that.
Anyway, getting back to the title of this thread, I need some ways to keep the conversation going. I don't mind having long online chats with girls on dating sites it's just that if it's to be a long time before we meet (if she wants to meet anyone at all) that means I have to go for longer without letting the conversation die and I'm not good at forcing that. Before long I run out of conversation topic ideas. It's like I have to keep stoking the fire so it doesn't die down. I guess conversation is the human way of bonding. Monkeys groom each other, we exchange ideas. That's fine, I enjoy conversations with all sorts of people but in this case it puts a lot of pressure on me. We bond through conversation but I feel that part of it is not the conversation itself but simply that we spend enough time talking (online or gods willing in meat space) will have built up a familiarity that wasn't really about the conversation itself. More like the conversation was just a means to an end. The other part, in which the content of the conversation actually is important is that it's also a way to gauge people, intellect, compatibility and so on. Sure there are other ways to bond aside from conversation but they don't really apply to a chat window.
One of the things that bugs me is that, although like most here I'm bad at reading and sending out body language, I can still understand vocal inflections and use them, which is something you don't get from a chat window. Think how many misunderstandings arise from not being able to read the tone of someone's voice through a chat window. So anyway, any ideas to keep the conversation from dying down? Any other thoughts?