AspieOtaku wrote:
italstallianion wrote:
I doubt that many women know what being an Aspie is, let alone "shop" for one. I'm not saying that you are wrong, I'm just saying that I'm not believing it enough to modify my cynical view of the world.
So your saying that all NTs hate all Aspies and dont want anything to do with them?
Dude, stop thinking in hyperbolic strings. There are shades in between all, none, and some. What he really meant to say was that lots of NT women aren't even aware of aspergers, and HFA or LFA for that matter. Not to mention that even if they are aware of autism they typically don't have any real understanding of the symptoms. To them you are just a person, and the reality is that we're all just people. Many think of us as eccentric, and being eccentric isn't considered a bad thing necessarily, it depends on "the eye of the beholder" (makes me think of AD&D if some of you know the reference).
Sorry its a habit amongst aspies.
Dude, everyone forms habits and you aren't bound by your symptoms to thinking like this. If you work to form better habits maybe you will do better with people, it seems like this hyperbole and high drama might be part of the problem for you here.
There is no wealth like knowledge, no poverty like ignorance.
Nahj ul-Balāgha by Ali bin Abu-Talib