Anyone use Aspie Affection dating site?

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20 Sep 2014, 1:59 pm

Just wondering, because I signed up a few weeks back and have noticed that most of the users there haven't logged back into their account for months sometimes. I also tried to use the advanced search engine but just got an error message. The website more or less strikes me as something that was created some years ago, but lost its steam. Anybody have any success or thoughts about it?

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20 Sep 2014, 2:40 pm

Yeah, the website is kind of broken and not very pleasant to use. There's no reason for people to come back after they signed up.

It would be nice if there were to be some kind of collaboration with Wrongplanet to make a new website like this. A website with a more attractive / user-friendly design and one that is a bit more open to non-aspie introverted people as well. I work in web design next to my study so I would be gladly to chip in, but I'm not sure if this is a thing I could do alone.


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20 Sep 2014, 3:02 pm

I browsed through it one time, but I don't think I'll be using it anytime soon...


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20 Sep 2014, 3:33 pm

qFox wrote:
It would be nice if there were to be some kind of collaboration with Wrongplanet to make a new website like this.

It would actually be very simple to make WP work as a dating website. There is no need for a separate website at all. Simply add one more profile field, "dating profile URL" and show an icon in the profile box (under username on the left) if the person filled it in. Clicking the icon would take you to that URL (which may simply be a post on WP or an external link to an OKC profile or whatever). That would not only be simpler, but far more effective than Aspie Affection, because a user's profile would be linked to their posts, which give a far better idea of what they're like than the profile.

Of course, users can achieve much the same effect by putting the URL into their signature, but people rarely do. Perhaps it seems a bit... desperate... when nobody else is doing it - a chicken-and-egg scenario.

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20 Sep 2014, 3:55 pm

I checked out the site and it looked pretty obsolete. Very few or no people were active on the site. I don't think it's worth using if you're looking for romantic partners.


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20 Sep 2014, 5:25 pm

tcorrielus wrote:
I checked out the site and it looked pretty obsolete. Very few or no people were active on the site. I don't think it's worth using if you're looking for romantic partners.

Yeah, I kinda got that vibe. A lot of people signing on, then not really caring to return. Oh wells. Once again, finding someone in the real world may be the best course of action.


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20 Sep 2014, 6:51 pm

I dont understand why this wasnt put in place years ago. Sometimes I wonder. It feels like somesort of bizarre conspiracy. Ive mentioned this before but there must be millions of aspie programmers who have had this idea. Create an aspie dating site. Somehow all we have is a decaying Wrong Planet and an ever more intrusive cloudflare problem. FMX is right it is the ultimate quick add-on. I dont even think you'd need any really in depth programming (correct me if im wrong) to integrate a searchable database of users registered as available.

I'll start a thread about it in WP discussions and see where it takes us...

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20 Sep 2014, 11:59 pm

Not being able to log in is keeping some members away. After I signed up & set up my pro; the site wouldn't let me log back in due to some error & due to another error I couldn't even create a new account. That was years ago & I still hear that it's very buggy.

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22 Sep 2014, 2:59 am

I think 99% of the population made a profile, used it for a day, then stopped using it.

The site isn't kept up either.

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