Most memorable?
My second semester sophomore year in college. I pledged and was accepted into Phi Mu Alpha Music Fraternity the previous semester. During midterms my second semester, I was in a pretty bad funk, since I thought I flunked every exam I took that day. The fraternity had their meeting that evening at 6:00 PM. I was 2 minutes late for the meeting, since I just got out of a class 10 minutes earlier and I needed to get something to eat, since I didn't have a chance to eat all day.
Anyhow I get to the meeting room, give the secret sign and was admitted to the room. The doorkeeper was my next door neighbor in the dorm I lived in, and was a known smartass. The president of the fraternity was the only black male in the music department, and was (and still is) a good friend. Anyhow, the doorkeeper starts jumping all over my fat arse for being late. The president, who was the doorkeeper's roommate, glares at the doorkeeper and tells him to shut the Fsck up. It was about this time, I made a statement, since this yutz totally pissed me off. I meant to say, "Hey pal, are you trying to break hard on me?" It didn't come out that way. I ended up saying, "Hey pal, GET A HARD ON!! !! !!" You never heard a room go so quiet so quickly. The doorkeeper was sitting next to the door, with the back of the chair facing front, and he was leaning backwards. Next thing you know, he fell off the chair by lean a little too far back, and was speechless for the first time since I have known him, since he had a smart-arsed remark for everybody. The president was in the front of the room and was almost on the floor laughing, the rest of the fraternity was getting a good laugh at this guy's expense. I was still pissed off for a few minutes, until I realized I told this guy off, and nobody was expecting it.