Hello. I am quite an unusual person. I am spiritually sensitive, extremely tolerant, and have formed a private religion surrounding a cold goddess, Princess Luna from My Little Pony, and my best friend.
However, those are stories for another time. As of this moment, I am asking the general populace of this website if I am truly one-of-a-kind.
I am polyamorous. I have seen that not many Aspies are like this, but lets face it, that's par for the course, seeing as even NT polyamorous individuals are rare. However, I am also pansexual (see multisexual, trisexual, bisexual, or unaligned, based on your personal beliefs). If that word is not familiar to you, it means that I have no problem forming a relationship with anyone. That means, male, female, transgender, non-binary, and any other form of sexuality and gender. It also means I have no problem with race, age, disability, or intelligence.
I am a practicing polyamorist, as I have two primary relationships at the time of this writing. One is a girl a few years younger than me, and the other is a Male-to-Female transsexual my age. I have conferred with both of them, and they know about each other, and have formed their own relationship to boot, to my delight. I have 2 secondary relationships as well, a male and a female. I am currently focused on my primaries, but I hope to have some time soon to work on my secondaries.
Now for the sexual aspect (without being too graphic, of course). I am a Master. What this means is that my girls practice the BDSM style of Dominance and submission, in this case the practice of Master and slave. This is their idea for the most part. They are willing, and want me to own them as property.My secondaries are into this as well. I must admit, there is a slight trepidation in my take on this. I am 100% into this, and find it quite the turn on. However, I am afraid for the safety of myself and my lovers if a less tolerant person was to find out and pursue unwanted legal action.
I guess my intent was more to share this part of myself with you all, but I will ask a question nonetheless. My question is, as stated above, is this normal? And in the event it isn't, am I completely unique?
Thank you for your time, as well as for your tolerance for my kind.