Help, i am a jewish person in trouble.

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08 May 2007, 7:15 pm

I am a Autisic person (but you already knew that ) And i am a person in
my school that doesn't belive in jesus. and i like somebody and she likes
me (from what she says). and her friends are teling her things that are not
true about me, such as me being a christian hater. and she doesn't want to talk
to me because of her friends lies. so.. i am in a situation. and i can't get nobody to
tell her that i am Not a christian hater... so i need some help.

please if you read this , help a jew out...


May the force be with you .


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08 May 2007, 7:20 pm

Anyone who is buying that kind of bs from
their friends is not going to be a reasonable
match for you. They are probably so devoutly
Christian, that they wouldn't accept you without
a conversion, and even then, it would be unlikely.

Leave the bigoted alone.

Snowy Owl
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08 May 2007, 8:19 pm

I think the main thing to points out your similarities. You both believe in God...isn't that the most important thing?

Also, Jews came before christians. God does not forget his promises; so basically, jewish people are the grandfather's of christians.
Jewish people are not less in God's eye's....God loves us all. And that is a christian tenent.


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08 May 2007, 9:35 pm

TO REMEMBER THE GOLDEN RULE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING FOR US ALL.Those who condemn others just because of their own ignorance are the worst offenders to their religion. Love all people , regardless of their religious choice, there are thousands of interpretations of the bible ,the true meaning is to just be kind, be honest, and help those around you in time of need...She is very narrow-minded, she has alot to learn in life.......

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09 May 2007, 4:15 am

I will be brief because I am already over my daily time allotted to forum posting (I'm trying hard not to become sucked in and spend all my free time in front of the computer when my work compels me to sit in front of a computer most of the time already - it's detrimental to my health!) - but I saw this and since I'm also Jewish, I felt it'd be important to reply to you. So my briefness will have nothing to do with you in person, just my own lack of time ARGH.

If she really doesn't want to talk to you in person, and this is very important to you that she does not have misconceptions about you, you might try writing her a letter or e-mail, just keep it concise and not go off rambling (which is my BIG problem). If she is nice, she will understand; and you can think a letter over (so you can be absolutely sure you say the right things, unlike in real-life conversation), and have full control of its contents - if you have someone speaking for you, you do not have full control over what s/he says even if s/he has the best of intentions. You might want to have an NT friend or family member read the letter over before sending it, though, if you can. (I usually do that when I have something both very personal and prone to misunderstandings.)

But if she still chooses to trust your friends saying things about you over your saying those things about yourself (the most authentic source and a well thought-out presentation), then I think she has a problem with accepting truth, and you would have problems getting along with her in the long term.

Wow I realize I haven't said anything specifically Jewish. But I have the same problems with people believing weird things about Jews, like I often get asked "why do you (singular you) hate Arabs?" and I have to say it all the time that I don't hate Arabs, and sometimes people believe I'm lying. (What is funny is that some other people think I'm an Arab, because I wear long clothing and skirts etc. even in the summer which is very hot in our region, and they don't know religious Jews also do it, we just don't cover our hair before we're married. So sometimes people ask me about Ramadan and things like that!) Sometimes people just can't be convinced! There is a professor at our university who believes Jews perform human sacrifice. Yes, human sacrifice. (And yes, a professor at university. How's that?!?) I've tried to convince her, but the most I could convince her of was that I personally didn't perform human sacrifice, and maybe it wasn't a common custom in our country these days, but I can't talk her out of believing that Jews by and large perform human sacrifice, regardless of how hard I try!

Autistic. Jewish. Female. NOT: A person with autism, Judaism and femaleness. :P

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09 May 2007, 4:26 am

Here I was thinking that the perception that Jews performed some form of human sacrifice had died with Nazism. The only reason why a Jew would be asked about the Arab-hating is because of the 60-year old tiff between Israel and Palestine. In fact, I'm sure most people have forgotten how it started by now....

But the conflict in Israel and Palestine does not automatically brand a Jew an Arab-hater any more than a resident of Germany could be called a Nazi....

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09 May 2007, 10:49 am


your situation.


I see several solutions, but none of them being good ones at that. this girl obviously thinks that you're a jerk now since her friend said what he/she said, about you.

I'd just dispere into the shadows for a while. thats first option.


I'd talk to her through third party explaining that wahtever said friend said, wasn't true. second option


Write a letter of appology, saying that though you're a person of Jewish decent, you hold no ill will towards anyone who is not. that's the third and final option, and an option I would go with.

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09 May 2007, 11:22 am

I am an athiest, and even I know the golden rule (and I live by it) "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

Those girls are just stupid...plain and simple.

Find yourself a girl who doesn't have stupid friends. Chances are that the relationship won't work out because this girl's friends are will make it so difficult for her because of their stupidity and immaturity. Her friends will just ruin it.

How old are you anyways? 14, 15?


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09 May 2007, 12:18 pm

jkrane wrote:
I am an athiest, and even I know the golden rule (and I live by it) "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you".

Those girls are just stupid...plain and simple.

Find yourself a girl who doesn't have stupid friends. Chances are that the relationship won't work out because this girl's friends are will make it so difficult for her because of their stupidity and immaturity. Her friends will just ruin it.

How old are you anyways? 14, 15?

Monsieur Krane. please be a bit more sensible. I've seen things like this work out before, it just needs help.

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10 May 2007, 2:43 pm

Gamester wrote:

Monsieur Krane. please be a bit more sensible. I've seen things like this work out before, it just needs help.

I guess your right, Gamester, but those girls do seem very immature and it would be quite a challenge.

Girls can be b*tches and backstabbers to eachother and boys and they use their ability to manipulate each other and others.

My advice to the jewish dude, is to confront these girls and explain to them that you are not a "christian hater." Just because you don't believe in Jesus, doesn't mean you hate him or hate christians. Explain to these girls that everyone is entitled to their own religious beliefs. Tell these girls that it is not OK to criticize other people as being "christian haters" for having different religious beleifs.