yellowtamarin wrote:
I was going to go a bit further and say they'd put you away, but sure
That book has a lot of good stuff. I'd say there's a lot of just plain, common sense there.
But some of those last few rules are disturbing?don't discuss with parents/friends/therapist? Um?hello? Abusive men use tactics such as isolating women from family/friends. Men don't do relationship therapy as it is (those who do don't understand that therapy is a final step in the break-up process. If you're going to therapy, go ahead and start getting your affairs in order). Pimps use that to control prostitutes. And religious cult leaders use that to control their followers.
It's seemingly innocuous, but those rules are in place to encourage total dependence. They want you to buy the next book!! !
The first few rules:
Be a ?Creature Unlike Any Other"
Makes sense?shouldn't we all be doing this anyway? Of course, what does the author mean by that?
Don't Talk to a Man First (and Don't Ask Him to Dance)
Uh?what if the reason a man you're interested in isn't talking to you is because your behavior suggests you're unapproachable? Um?what century are we living in? Go ahead and ask me out!
Don't Stare at Men or Talk Too Much
That's just good manners.
Don't Meet Him Halfway or Go Dutch on a Date
Agree. Whoever asks someone on a date, be it the man or the woman, is asking for that person's time and the pleasure of his or her company. I think if you want that time bad enough, you should be willing to compensate that person for it by providing respectable entertainment. Going Dutch just sends a bad message, even if there's nothing fundamentally wrong with it. It says your gift isn't good enough and I don't care to accept it, which has a negative psychological impact. Personally, I could be attracted to a girl who will fight me for the dinner bill because that's just playful. But again, it's all about the message. The person asking for a date should pay the whole bill.
Don't Call Him and Rarely Return His Calls
I think if a woman is attracted to a man or likes talking to a man, go ahead and call. What no one should EVER do is make frequent, obsessed, creepy-dude/chick calls. Always give someone time to miss you, and take a hint if they stop picking up the phone.
Always End Phone Calls First
If you must, set a time limit. But always ending calls first? We're just playing games here, and that's not something I'm a big fan of.
Don't Accept a Saturday Night Date after Wednesday
To me, this makes sense. If you're a guy asking a girl out, asking her out for Saturday after Wednesday is just bad manners. You're trying to rush her, and she may have already had plans. Sure, ask her out AFTER Wednesday if you absolutely hate her.
The reverse is also true. A woman shouldn't ask a man out for Friday/Saturday after Wednesday?he might already have plans, too. I'm the kind of guy, btw, who'd ask a woman out one or two weeks in advance. Of course, she could cancel, especially if it's a big ticket item like a sports event or a concert. But, then again, if I'm meeting a "friend" for lunch, I'd casually mention that I've got two tickets for Brantley Gilbert if she'd be interested in going with me.