Hi :)
I'm not sure where to start....
I'm actually not sure why I'm here, either... I guess because I don't feel like I belong anywhere... but I will summarize my topic.
About two months ago, my girlfriend of four years left me. Her name was Lauren, and she was a great person. We met in high-school in 2010, and decided to go to the same College to stay close to each other. I found out she was an aspie two years into our relationship, and it helped me to understand her incredibly well. Actually, being with her helped me to understand Aspergers in general... Anyway, we had our ups and downs throughout our relationship. We moved in together in 2013, and I provided for us while she went to school. Things were okay. There was a huge problem that I tried to ignore, however, which was that we had moved in together too early. I wasn't what she deserved at the time, and I wasn't financially stable enough to be what I wanted to be to her. Our situation put a lot of stress on our relationship, and there were hard times as well, which didn't help. This was compounded by the fact that her parents and friends didn't approve of me. The worst time in our relationship was when I lost my job in 2014. It put a huge amount of stress on us, and she had begun feeling depressed with me. We ended up having a huge fight, and she left me. She also completely stopped talking to me. I feel regretful and sad that I pushed for us to move in together so fast, and that we didn't wait to move forward until the right time. Her and I had plans to make a family together, and a life together, and I decided to go into the military after losing my job in 2014 because it's an amazing opportunity to improve life and have real financial stability. I wish I could talk to her, and I wish I wasn't alone, because I feel like I can't connect to anyone anymore. I put everything into her, and I can't imagine having a family with someone else. It's not just because she broke up with me recently, either. It's an honest, unbiased feeling I have.