886 wrote:
You shouldn't overthink small things like that.. just pay. I find it's easiest to just pay because it avoids conflict. I don't think any date has been ruined ever because a guy paid, but if she cares, if she really prefers to split the bill, she'll speak up and do it. If not.. just pay. Problem solved.
I agree. Don't overthink it. Paying is a better option (the worst it comes across is still nice). Offering to split the bill carries more risk. Just pay.
Think statistically --> you'll upset less this way.
Getting into something you both enjoy is a great idea. I'd say give her a little space to digest the evening and then text her about a concrete group of times to choose from to run together. The group of times gives her a chance to work around schedule issues or suggest an alternate time. If she isn't interested, this will gently force her to say so (or not reply, which is rude, but happens).
So you know who just said that:
I am female, I am married
I have two children (one AS and one NT)
I have been diagnosed with Aspergers and MERLD
I have significant chronic medical conditions as well