Syd wrote:
I don't understand these guys. Why not just pursue a healthy relationship with women his own age?
Men who use their wealth, experience, and social status to prey upon women of younger generations are abusive creeps.
Disagree entirely.
Some guys are only attracted to younger people, and some people are only attracted to older guys - hence the matches regardless of wealth, experience, and social status.
There are no rules of attraction that state people must be attracted to people their own age.
I say this as someone who is only attracted to younger than myself. I could never see myself dating anyone the same age or older than I am; it's simply a major turn off. Close in age is fine, just has to be younger than me. It's just the way I'm wired and I'm sure the way many others are, too.
Besides all that, there's the simple fact that this sort of intergenerational attraction and pairing has been going on throughout all history. The bigger better stronger faster smarter more successful alpha male gets to choose the healthiest prettiest fertile female to mate with. There's got to be some biological evolutionary reasons behind pairs like these, too.

for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.