Hello all, don't know if anyone here could really help with this situation,
but I figured I'd give it a shot. I went out, if you want to call it that, and
fooled around with this girl I met on tinder. Note, I am living alone away from
my family, so I am somewhat lonesome.
Anyway, apparently something went wrong when we were fooling around, she
said it wasn't my fault, and that she wanted to hang out again, and that
she did like me, but she wasn't sure what she wanted, yadda yadda. She's
somewhat flirtatious when we, text, calling me 'love' and things like that.
We've only hung out twice in last week, but both times she was getting something
out of it, tonight she got a pack of cigarettes she needed(out of money, she's a college
student on a scholarship) and another night she was sick and I brought her some
food. She will be somewhat affectionate and hold my hand, but when I try to get
closer, she backs off. She says she's not very affectionate with anyone.
Anyway, this could be a very good investment, but I'm frightened I'm being
used, amongst other things. She was moving pretty quickly first night, now
its all slowed down. She's been making plans, but they'll fall through. Its only been
like 2 weeks so far.
Is there anyone on here that could interpret this situation for me? Note: as I
said, I've moved away from my family for a job so I don't have many more people
to talk to about this and I'm getting sad.