Short version:
Is it common for girl cashiers to adjust their bra to indicate attraction for a guy? And would a girl grocery bagger offer to help a fully-capable man out to his car with only four small plastic bags of groceries unless she was attracted to him, a load I easily carried in one hand?
Long version:
For the girls here (or guys if you have anything useful to add), if you worked or if you have worked as a grocery store cashier or bagger, how do you indicate interest if you're attracted to someone?
I ran to the grocery store kind of late in the evening, and had finished shopping around 9pm, and I was the only one checking out. I look probably late 30's and she's probably early 20's, maybe like a college freshman/sophmore. I appear fully capable to carry the $25 worth of groceries I bought in one hand since they're all in 4 plastic bags (which I did do when I got them home).
This girl bagger didn't ask if I need help taking the groceries out to my car, she says "I'll help you out with this," as in, I will roll the cart with the scant amount of groceries in it out to your car, even though we can both see that you are completely in no need of my further assistance.
I said No, you don't need to do that. To this, she didn't say, "ok." She said, "Are you sure"? With her head turned and chin angled and eyes looking up at me. It felt like she wanted to talk to me more. It's almost as if her words weren't registering at the time, and I'm only now processing them afterward. It was as I drove off, I was like, was she trying to tell me…?
That was the bagger. The cashier was telling me about being on drill team while adjusting the bra strap under her arms, and not one hand to one side, either, but this was the full bird-wing thing, each hand under each arm grabbing the strap at each side, which was difficult because of the smock uniform she had on over it, and which she was doing for almost the entire time I was swiping my card and paying during which time she was talking to me or to her friend who was the aforementioned grocery bagger. It didn't seem like she was really trying to accomplish anything, other than attract my attention to the area of interest. Is this something you can end up doing without thinking about it? Seems that with the few number of people checking out that she would have had ample time to do this before or after I went through the line. And both girls were chattering away with me. Again, it doesn't register in the moment, only after I'm out of the situation.
Are any of these known signals for trying to get a male to respond or notice, or how do you indicate interest? Would you ever offer to push a huge shopping cart out to the parking lot that only had four small bags of groceries in it for a fully able-bodied man in their 30's? And is grappling with bra-straps just everyday activity now when dealing with the public, or was I getting signalled?