Women thinking lowly of their local men.

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09 Feb 2015, 12:02 pm

This is a controversial thread but I am sure many have noticed this:
Why in the countries where there are a high rate of women marrying foreigners, the women there generally seem to think lowly of their local men - or at least less desirable than foreigners?

Concrete example of that: A lot of Filipinas don't think highly of their men, there's also the Polish - I have yet to see a Polish woman who doesn't think of Polish men as lazy and ugly.

Does this phenomena have a name? lol


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09 Feb 2015, 1:45 pm

I call it "Gene Expansion", where people look outside their families, neighborhoods, communities, and towns to find a mate with a suitable degree of genetic diversity from what they've grown up with.

Another issue may be the old saw about the grass being greener elsewhere - people just seem better-looking, more sophisticated, and just more interesting than the people around you.

Yet another issue may be yet another old saying about how "Familiarity breeds contempt", where you just can't stand to look at the same old people any longer, and you simply want something different. This may also be the case when all of the local men are either unemployed or employed as manual laborers. Another factor may be a male-dominated culture that treats women like servants, sex-toys and breeding material (such as in the Philippines), where the women might be eager to "hook up" with any American male who treats them decently.


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09 Feb 2015, 1:49 pm

In England I knew a girl who only wanted a boyfriend if he was Italian, also my sister in law had an Italian boyfriend for a long time.


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09 Feb 2015, 6:12 pm

I was going to write something about people from foreign lands seeming more exciting and exotic, but I think Fnord has covered all the bases. I can't really add anything to what he said.

I don't think that this topic is controversial. It's a human thing to be curious about someone a little bit more exotic and interesting than the people you grew up with. Men do it too. I've seen the odd thread or two pop up here from men telling us how wonderful their foreign wife is.


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09 Feb 2015, 6:36 pm

I can see why women around here might want foreign men. Canadians can be very apathetic when it comes to people being rude to them. The best example of this apathy can be found on buses when that kid doesn't want to let you have that seat where he is holding his bag. Or someone sees that you have many grocery bags in your hand as you leave the store, but decides to slam the door in your face (not literally of course, just doesn't hold it open and the door closes). I have seen many Canadians who would rather b***h to their friends about how rude someone is rather than actually stand up for themselves or simply let things go.

Now when it comes to important things like your phone/internet provider charging an extra $20; or work holding out on giving you a raise for no good reason, being apathetic probably won't turn on a lot of potential suitors. This kind of apathy certainly won't convince someone to stick around for marriage. It would probably make them question how you handle your money and if you let everyone hustle you.

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09 Feb 2015, 8:42 pm

slenkar wrote:
In England I knew a girl who only wanted a boyfriend if he was Italian, also my sister in law had an Italian boyfriend for a long time.

Yeah, but that's understandable. Who wouldn't want an Italian boyfriend? ;-)

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA. ;-)

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09 Feb 2015, 8:57 pm

I've noticed women complaining about this in expat threads. usually in Asia. Basically all the western men seem to be dating local women (okay). but the women in the threads are mad because the western men are not dating the western women (okay...) and then they give either examples of why they would never date these men (which makes you women why get pissed and write this in a blog)and then completely ignore the local men... and it jsut drives me nuts because it is such a non-problem. date the local men. that's it.t who travels to a foreign country to date people from you OWN country and also complains that the expat men are not good enough to date in their own country let alone the locals... yet they complain about them dating the locals when they clearly wrote that they don't like the expat men!

sorry, i just had read alot of these and just can't make sense of it... >. <


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09 Feb 2015, 9:47 pm

If western women would not play hard-to-get, and maybe even show a little gratitude for the attentions of a courtly gentleman, maybe western men would not be so interested in eastern women, who seem to appreciate being treated well.


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09 Feb 2015, 10:14 pm

I guess, but how does that explain the western men adapting better than the western women when transitioning to the east, and why are they not too dating the locals?


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09 Feb 2015, 11:04 pm

If I have to guess (based on being married to an eastern woman), I would say that western men might adapt better than western women to eastern way because the east is even more male-dominated than the west.

Imagine a western man telling his western wife to fetch him a glass of water. What do you think her reaction might be? If Mrs. Strawman was like any of the women I grew up with, she would likely dump the glass of iced water in his lap, if she didn't come right out and tell him to get up off his lazy butt and get it for himself!

But all I have to do is say "I'm thirsty", and my wife will bring me a glass of water (of course, I do the same for her).

My point is that (in my opinion) a woman raised in the west might have a little trouble adjusting to a culture where she is considered just another servant, sex toy, or breeder. Not to mention that in many eastern cultures, professional women are taken even less seriously than professional women in western cultures - the figurative Glass Ceiling for women is lower in the east than in the west. A western man, however, might have an easier time simply because he is a man in a more male-dominated culture.


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09 Feb 2015, 11:22 pm

Fnord wrote:
If I have to guess (based on being married to an eastern woman), I would say that western men might adapt better than western women to eastern way because the east is even more male-dominated than the west.

Imagine a western man telling his western wife to fetch him a glass of water. What do you think her reaction might be? If Mrs. Strawman was like any of the women I grew up with, she would likely dump the glass of iced water in his lap, if she didn't come right out and tell him to get up off his lazy butt and get it for himself!

But all I have to do is say "I'm thirsty", and my wife will bring me a glass of water (of course, I do the same for her).

My point is that (in my opinion) a woman raised in the west might have a little trouble adjusting to a culture where she is considered just another servant, sex toy, or breeder. Not to mention that in many eastern cultures, professional women are taken even less seriously than professional women in western cultures - the figurative Glass Ceiling for women is lower in the east than in the west. A western man, however, might have an easier time simply because he is a man in a more male-dominated culture.

hmmmm... now I feel bad about my better luck with Asian girls... :|


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10 Feb 2015, 6:10 am

I guess people like things exotic to them or things opposite to them; opposites attract lol, my light haired friends like my dark hair but I like their light hair, others like my sharp features but I like their soft features, others like my shorter height and smaller body but I like their taller height and larger body.


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10 Feb 2015, 6:31 am

umm....it seems that some men think lowly of their local women too lol - the tittle should go both ways.


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10 Feb 2015, 6:51 am

OliveOilMom wrote:
slenkar wrote:
In England I knew a girl who only wanted a boyfriend if he was Italian, also my sister in law had an Italian boyfriend for a long time.

Yeah, but that's understandable. Who wouldn't want an Italian boyfriend? ;-)

Me :mrgreen:

But I don't like Italian culture in general.


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10 Feb 2015, 4:15 pm

Fnord wrote:
If I have to guess (based on being married to an eastern woman), I would say that western men might adapt better than western women to eastern way because the east is even more male-dominated than the west.

Imagine a western man telling his western wife to fetch him a glass of water. What do you think her reaction might be? If Mrs. Strawman was like any of the women I grew up with, she would likely dump the glass of iced water in his lap, if she didn't come right out and tell him to get up off his lazy butt and get it for himself!

But all I have to do is say "I'm thirsty", and my wife will bring me a glass of water (of course, I do the same for her).

My point is that (in my opinion) a woman raised in the west might have a little trouble adjusting to a culture where she is considered just another servant, sex toy, or breeder. Not to mention that in many eastern cultures, professional women are taken even less seriously than professional women in western cultures - the figurative Glass Ceiling for women is lower in the east than in the west. A western man, however, might have an easier time simply because he is a man in a more male-dominated culture.

Most Southern women will do that. While we may wait on our guys and clean up after them and put up with a certain amount of s**t from them before speaking up, and some are actually submissive to them because the Southern Baptist Convention says they should be, we aren't as hardcore deferential as Asian women are.

No Western gal will ever be as happy to please her man as an Eastern gal is, but it's the difference in culture and the way we are raised. Southern women are raised to wait on men and take care of them when they are sick. We are raised to put up with a certain amount of s**t from them because we are told from birth that they just can't help it. In a way (and I know you are gonna hate this) it's because we see all men with stereotypical needs and wants and pleasure centers in their brains. We know that all men are not alike, we know that all men do not expect that from us, and many of us have men who do help out around the house or even stay home and be house husbands. However, most of the men that I know who are like that with their women did not come that way straight out of the box. It took some work. Thats because Southern women tend to expect daughters to do the housework chores and the sons to do the outside and boys work chores and yes, even though it's the 21st century, we still deep down have a knee jerk reaction that there is a difference in the work.

My husband asks me to get him a beer, or bring him a plate, or run him a bath or shave his neck or wash his clothes when he comes home from being at his mothers for a few days and ll his work clothes are dirty. I do it. I don't mind at all. He's not as quick to jump up and do what I ask, but I bug him about it and he does it. It's only fair. I also don't cook anything for dinner that he doesn't like. That's only fair. I save him the biggest helping, the big piece of chicken, the big piece of steak, etc. Everybody knows not to drink the last beer or the last of the tea or coffee because that's their Daddy's. He does have some perks. He also gets the tv remote or the computer when he wants it, without question. And the thermostat. I don't know why this is, it just is and it works just fine.

I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
My forum is still there and everyone is welcome to come join as well. There is a private women only subforum there if anyone is interested. Also, there is no CAPTCHA. ;-)

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10 Feb 2015, 6:26 pm

Hey, I think pretty lowly of most of my local women too. They're all a bunch of classless bogan gobsh1tes.

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Plagal cadence: IV-I
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-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I