Mootoo wrote:
Do you reckon it's the most powerful?
Yes, absolutely, without a doubt - with fear as a close second.
Love for others (my God kids, my best friend since high school, my closest friend & his family, my family etc.) has motivated me to carry on and work hard and get through some really tough times & work. There have been times I've worked long hard days outside in some somewhat nasty weather conditions that the thought of quitting crossed my mind for a split second, but then I just picture the faces of those I love and I can endure anything for them. I know I don't have to work for them because they're, for the most part, all taken care of by themselves and others - but when I put myself in the mindset that they need me to accomplish this task, my love for them enables me to carry on with a second wind of energy & get whatever I need to done.
Over the last couple years I've also become a bit more self loving, too, and while I still have a long way to go on that, my love for my present and future self & my goals motivates me to carry on. Sometimes when I'm tired and don't feel like going for a run I think of the goals I have that are so much bigger than myself, and then of myself, and remind myself that I should love myself every bit as much as I love others & should treat myself just as well as I do others - and so I gain the motivation to push myself harder in order to give myself the gifts of fitness & a clear mind that I know I'll need in order to do other things in life, love, and business. I'm better at doing things for me than always thinking of others than I used to be, but I still think of others in my life more than myself. Perhaps I'll always be a bit of a selfless person that way, but perhaps not. Maybe I'll gradually become more and more self loving & in turn self serving and my accomplishments and successes will compound for it? Time will tell.
As for fear, I think it was fear of failure and not wanting to give up and be in debt for nothing that got me to push through business school back in the day. There was no way I was going to be paying back student loans for something I didn't complete lol and so while it was a bit more fear than love motivated, I was motivated to complete my program and did it.

for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.