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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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19 Mar 2015, 3:47 pm

Do u watch movies about love alot ? Do u feel these movies help u understand what love is ?


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19 Mar 2015, 4:15 pm

No, I find romance films to be either nauseatingly saccharine, or depressing.

I think the only thing they can possible teach you about love is how it isn't. Romances are fantasy.

One of the few I actually do like, because the main character is so Aspie-ish and because the ending is hopeful, but ambivalent, is The Apartment (1960), with Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine. Its just an all around great film.

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19 Mar 2015, 4:21 pm

What I liked about Adam was Beth and him didn't stay together but they remained friends which is rare for a couple to stay friends after the breakup.

Titanic didn't have happily ever after either because Jack Dawson died.

At least there are some movies out there where it's not always happily ever after or where it looks like things will go well and ironically I hate movies that leaves us hanging because we are supposed to assume how things will turn out for them or if they don't like with the Bed of Roses or Family Man.

But movies are not accurate about relationships or romances. I found that out when I met my boyfriends. I think romance movies are just based on a fantasy. We would all love a perfect relationship.

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19 Mar 2015, 4:32 pm

Not really into romcoms.

No toilet humor = no Timmy likey

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Tufted Titmouse
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20 Mar 2015, 1:09 pm

Yep its funny cause my boyfriend doesn't normally do Fiction SciFi Fantasy etc ! ! All the other stuff he has is factual.

Snowy Owl
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21 Mar 2015, 2:50 pm

I don't mind them because happily is an adverb, not an adjective.

If it was "happy ever after" it would imply their lives were always happy and everything would be perfect. Happily implies they live that way - i.e.: they get through life choosing to focus on things optimistically with the idea they will get through together, even if the economy crashes or Mongols attack Prince Charming's castle or whatever.

The way I see it, we only see 1/4 of 1% of a family's lives even in a sitcom, and the fictional lives of people ina movie even less. Looking at families like the Huxtables or the Bradys, I would say theirs were "happily ever after" stories even though they had their tiffs at times, becasue of how they chose to get through life.

So, I really like romances in some ways, though it has to be the right kind, no raunchy stuff or anything, for instance. I like films like, say, "Sleepless in Seattle" becasue I picture such a couple, like the Bradys, staying together and having the kind of loving life where they care about and respect each other.

I guess that comes from being an optimist, though, in general. And the fact really evil people downright scare me, so I sort of have to look at the world that way, and when i see a situation where things do turn out well, it makes me feel good. Indeed, though I'm a guy, I probably cry at movies like a woman, though I rarely ever see movies anymore becasue I can't stand all the filth they put in some nowadays.

Blue Jay
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21 Mar 2015, 7:06 pm

Movies are not real life, thus not the best of all possible places from which to learn about love.

A happy relationship would make for a really, really boring film.


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22 Mar 2015, 3:10 pm

Tim_Tex wrote:
Not really into romcoms.

No toilet humor = no Timmy likey

You have to watch Along Came Polly. I guess it's a romcom, but there is this fantastic toilet schene that made me laugh so much. I love Ben Stiller. :D

To answer the original question. I used to love romcoms, but I slowly began to realise that they are so farfetched that they began to annoy me, plus there are so many awful stereotypes in them. My favourite is 500 Days of Summer because from the outset it is advertised as "Boy meets girl. Boy falls in love. Girl doesn’t."

I like 13 goint on 30 because in that final moment when she tries to ruin his wedding by tellin her she loves him he tells Jenna: " I chose Wendy. That's her family down there. We care about each other, you know?"

The Apartment is a really good film too.


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22 Mar 2015, 6:27 pm

Romcoms are often so nauseating, stupid and mind-numbing and can be even more unrealistic than sci-fi.

And they often are full of hidden gender roles crap.

What they have in common, that all population are good-looking, uglies don't exist, average don't exist. And the heights of men are always "perfectly" proportional to the heights of women, and all are pro dancers per chance.

And the male protagonists in most of those movies are of the upper-class to rich class.
So rare the romcoms that are about a ....financially poor main male character (or at best, they start as poor then they become rich and do a rich wedding). Poor female main character? yes there are plenty, Poor main male character? hell no.

And they often end up with a silly 'funny' wedding scene with 'funny' accidents happening through - with brides falling in pool, or people screaming like crazy or cheating revealed in last minute or rains messing the whole thing....etc

The best, and the most brutely realistic romcom (more of a teen flick, but whatever) I've ever seen was this one:

This was way before the trendy romcoms of today with crazy weddings in their endings.