This girl and I haven't interacted much in the past few months, but today we ran into each other and she reached out and was rubbing my arm (I think that's a comforting motion or something?) and standing in my personal space while we were talking.
I'm not sure why she was invading my space, and that's what I need advice on.
She was into me in the past (she adjusted my clothes, touched my hair, got her face too close to mine, and grabbed me by the tie to pull me close and give me "the look") and I flirted with her a little, even though I had no interest in a relationship with her.
I'm not big on physical contact, so people touching me really bothers me. I don't want to tell her off if she's interested in me again because I'll be interacting more with her in the future.
Any idea why she's behaving like that? I haven't seen her act that friendly with other guys, so I don't think she is just a physical person.
Ask me for clarification or information that I left out.