Diningroom wrote:
Brianruns10 wrote:
This marks a triumph and a defeat simultaneously. I managed to break my rut, going on five dates with one woman! I'd never made it past three. Things were going great, I was seeing her every weekend and then all of a sudden...silence. She quits responding to my messages four days ago. Nothing. She must've had a change of heart.
The one thing I cannot abide is lack of communication. It is utterly cowardly to simply be silent. All deserve honesty. I would've understood if she had a change of heart or found someone else. I was at least owed that much...not just rude silence.
So I sent her a final message saying that I was disappointed in her silence, and expected better, expected the courtesy at least of a goodbye. Of course the coward hasn't even responded to that.
To hell with her. To hell with all liars and people who think the best way to let someone off is to give the silent treatment. It's her loss, and now I move on, and keep looking for someone who will won't play games and who will be respectful of others. Frankly I can tell I dodged a bullet...no way I would want to waste another minute with someone like her. Rotten!
Four days. Four. Days. Bit soon to freak out and leave angry, over-entitled messages for her, non? It's within the realm of possibility that she got the flu or was swamped at work and fully intended to call you back. That nothing was actually wrong -- til you inadvertently wrecked it.
The level of anger / outrage you have for a girl you barely knew (had you discussed dating exclusive? Had she agreed to it?), who from the sounds of it wasn't even officially your girlfriend is honestly a bit scary -- and leaps right off the page.
How exactly did this girl lie? What, exactly, were you hoping to accomplish by sending her a 1950s-dad-like message berating her for the "crime" of failing to return your call in a timely manner?!
She didn't lie to him, she
ghosted him. And if she was swamped at work, or ill, but still interested she would've called him or txtd him back. So no, he did not "inadvertently wreck" things whatsoever. There was nothing there to begin with. She wasn't interested in dating him any longer which is her right.
He did the right thing by telling her piss off which helps bring closure. It would be courteous to send him a polite rejection/goodbye txt but decency and discipline has gone by the wayside in today's society where people are pretty much utility maximizers. At least he's not butthurt about it!