I realise I stand no chance.

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28 Apr 2015, 7:50 pm

I see all these nice girls, but they're all surrounded by guys who look, behave and are overall better than me. I'm the only one in my class people never talk to, like I'm non-existant.

With the sound of the wind as my only company I spend my days waiting and hoping for something that will never happen. I am an outcast, a shadow, and nobody cares to change it. When I dare try to communicate with people, they look at me like I ruined their day and then they reject me.


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28 Apr 2015, 9:29 pm

DailyPoutine1 wrote:
I see all these nice girls, but they're all surrounded by guys who look, behave and are overall better than me. I'm the only one in my class people never talk to, like I'm non-existant.

With the sound of the wind as my only company I spend my days waiting and hoping for something that will never happen. I am an outcast, a shadow, and nobody cares to change it. When I dare try to communicate with people, they look at me like I ruined their day and then they reject me.

How old are you? What have you done to make your classmates refuse to exchange pleasantries with you?


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28 Apr 2015, 10:10 pm

The other day you said people sometimes come and talk to you, but you tell them you don't want to be friends and ignore them. Maybe you should try talking back and see how it works. Maybe then they will notice you.


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28 Apr 2015, 10:44 pm

Listen man, I don't know you but I want you to never give up trying to talk to girls. For god sakes, you're 14 years old. A lot of boys are awkward looking at that stage. Actually I think that the early teens are when a lot of boys are unattractive. Not to mention hormones are kicking in and everyone at that age is very insecure about fitting in and a lot of people are immature. Trust me, early teens are a living hell for many aspie kids, including myself.

Want to know a secret? Theres girls out there who feel like you. They feel like complete s**t, they feel like an outcast, they feel like nobody will want them for who they are. All people want is for someone to "get them" you know what I mean? Someone who understands them for who they are.

Don't go for the girls who are already very popular as these girls will probably reject you. Instead you should find a girl who maybe is shy and quiet and keeps to herself and walk up and just talk to her. And really care what she has to say as well. Ask her questions about herself and remember to smile and laugh. Seriously though, go do it. Find a girl who seems like an outcast and be friendly to her. Then maybe just maybe you will build a relationship with a girl and it can later turn into a romantic relationship.

You have a goal right? I'm assuming your goal is to get a girlfriend. People who want something don't sit around and complain all day about how they're too bad to get a gf. No they try to improve themselves as a person. Whether that's working on social skills, gaining confidence, wearing better clothes etc... You want something? You have to work for it. I wish you the best of luck and remember 3 things if you want to be successful in achieving your goal. Be ambitious, be resilient, and be persistent.


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29 Apr 2015, 6:45 pm

Set an easier goal of making 2-3 friends. Once you have achieved that, make your new goal to get a girlfriend.


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30 Apr 2015, 2:22 am

You can try to change that, it is not all up to others to change.
You are only 14, so you have plenty of time to learn to interact with people, including girls.

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Propane and butane out of the gas main, your blain shall sustain!