emw98 wrote:
Hey guys, how do you act when you are NOT interested in a girl? For example, let's say a girl wants to date you and keeps coming up and talking to you, but you do not want to date her. How would you act?
I'm asking because this aspie guy I had a huge crush on just recently got a girlfriend. But before this, he would stare at me every time he saw me. I would be sitting in class and feel someone out of the corner of my eye looking at me. And I would turn and sure enough, he would be staring. And he wouldn't look away when I caught him, but would just keep staring straight into my eyes. And I was the only person he did this to, as far as I could tell. He usually doesn't look at anyone. But I've been told that it's unusual for someone with Asperger's to stare directly into someone's eyes like that, is that true?
To make a long story short, we had a few really awkward conversations and after that he started to avoid me. He would walk away really fast whenever he knew I was coming up behind him. That made me think he really didn't like me...but he would still stare, so I didn't understand what was going on with him.
Another girl started hanging around him so I just asked him what was going on and he said he was dating her now. I asked him why he kept staring at me and he denied it and said that he never had! Then he said he was sorry if he made me think that and wasn't trying to hurt my feelings. So guys tell me, why would you stare at a girl that you didn't like?
Possibly he is shy and is dating someone else who made a obvious move on him. I could easily see a younger version of myself in his position.