kraftiekortie wrote:
It's never too late.
You should look for a guy who has similar interests to you, and a similar philosophy of life. He should also be patient as far as physical intimacy is concerned. If he demands physical intimacy right away, go far away.
It would be nice if you wanted physical intimacy with the person, eventually. But if you just enjoy each other's company, and agree to no intimacy, then that would be a cool relationship, too. If one or the other wants physical intimacy, while the other does not, then it's not good.
The best thing to do is to avoid bars and places where it is implied that you want physical intimacy.
Probably the best way to find a suitable person is for you to join a club where people with similar interests gather. Or one of your friends could introduce you to a guy whom your friend finds suitable for you.
what qualifies as demands?
sounds like you saying people should avoid me for wanting to cuddle/hug/hold hands and eventually sex.
to op have you looked at the guys here? there's tons of guys in similar situations.