Sweetleaf wrote:
No I figured all one had to do to be useful was be unique because those two always correlate of course. Unique automatically causes you to have a useful talent...you didn't know that?
No, it actually doesn't. There are plenty of people out there, unique and not unique who have absolutely no useful talent at all. That doesn't mean they can't do anything, it just means that there is nothing special about them in a good way. They have the same talent everybody else has.
Also, for some unique people their only useful talent is making their parents or other people who are around them a lot, happy. That is sad but true. Take Terri Shaivo for instance. After she had the brain injury her only useful talent was making her parents happy when they came to see her. I'm not saying that isn't contributing something to someone, because she was. I'm saying that she wasn't useful in the general sense.
Before somebody gets all offended by my statement (and trust me, some people will get offended if I say the sky is blue because that's somehow or other putting down either the blind or the colorblind in their minds) I'm not saying that people who aren't useful in the general sense are worthless. Far from it. Babies are not useful at all in that sense but are in no way worthless. Even if you didn't take into consideration that in all probability they will grow up into someone who is useful to society, they are still not useful at the moment but not worthless. Kids, up to a certain age, are also not useful in a general sense and not worthless either.
However, not everybody has a useful talent. Also, not every talent is useful.
Again, that isn't to say they are worthless. Just not useful.
I'm giving it another shot. We will see.
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