Very difficult to answer, no? I thought of this before, but now realise that this is somewhat... irrelevant.
First of, the term "hot", which I will assume to be "attractive", is highly relative. You heard of the old cliché: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
Speaking from personal experience, I am able to perhaps see... beauty in many forms. I remember a colleague called "ugly" behind her back. Strange, as while she is, in my eyes, not the most physically attractive, her personality and sense of humour way outclasses that aspect to the point that her looks are irrelevant.
My best friend: she may be perhaps classed as "fat" by our current, unhealthy standards. I see her as a beautiful, genuine, powerfully built girl with again, a great personality. Another is a bit annoyed that she has a red face; always mistaken as blushing. I find her utterly gorgeous. This list can go on and even include male friends and colleagues. Tall, short, buff, dainty, there are beauty in many forms.
So in short, I think it wouldn't have make much of a difference. Sure, you might attract more shallow people which you would sooner cast aside yourself for their utter lack of substance, their narcissism.
People who can look past the surface are the ones worth having around. Sadly, there aren't many of them. But that is what makes them so special.
P.S. I found that people that are mentally stimulating to be with are usually quite pretty... (or maybe I have already learnt to ignore visual bias?!)