Are you a Voyeur? {sexual or non-sexual}

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25 Sep 2007, 9:46 pm

Voyeurism is a practice in which an individual derives sexual pleasure from observing other people. Such people may be engaged in sexual acts, or be nude or in underwear, or dressed in whatever other way the "voyeur" finds appealing. The word derives from French verb voir (to see) with the -eur suffix that translates as -er in English. A literal translation would then be “seer” or "observer", with pejorative connotations. Also, the word voyeur can define someone who receives enjoyment from witnessing other people's suffering or misfortune.

Voyeuristic practices may take a number of forms but their characteristic feature is that the voyeur does not directly interact with the object of their voyeurism (often unaware that they are being observed), instead observing the act from a distance by peeping through an opening or using aids such as binoculars, mirrors, cameras (including camera phones and video cameras), etc. This stimulus sometimes becomes part of a masturbation fantasy during or after the observation.
The key element behind voyeurism, and the factor that distinguishes it from mixoscopia (pleasure from watching others have sex), is that those watched are unaware of the voyeur. Part of the thrill of voyeurism may lie in almost being caught. For some, the closer the voyeur is to being discovered, the larger the thrill. This form of non-consensual voyeurism is considered an invasion of privacy.

Voyeurism may be tolerated or even appreciated if the people viewed are exhibitionists. This relationship is typically role-play where the exhibitionist pretends to not know of the voyeur's presence.

A subset of voyeurs derive sexual pleasure from looking under articles of clothing, an act known as an upskirt. This can be accomplished by camera or simply by a chance viewing up skirts. Some voyeurs also derive pleasure by looking down shirts and viewing breasts, particularly when a woman is bending over. This is commonly referred to as a downblouse.

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25 Sep 2007, 10:04 pm

Maybe a little. I try and catch glimpses,
and probably get some thrill. But, I don't
really go out of my way.


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25 Sep 2007, 10:06 pm

Shouldn't this be in the Adult forum?


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25 Sep 2007, 10:11 pm

Perhaps. Putting it here keeps the level of
discussion cleaner though.


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26 Sep 2007, 4:54 am

I like to watch people and see how they act in public but i'm guessing thats not quite what your asking.


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26 Sep 2007, 2:47 pm

Voyeurism can be non-sexual as well as sexual.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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26 Sep 2007, 2:53 pm

AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
Voyeurism can be non-sexual as well as sexual.

Your definition didn't seem to imply that,
even if the title did. Damn, but I wish people
would be consistent.


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26 Sep 2007, 2:59 pm

My bad.

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!

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27 Jun 2009, 2:18 pm

I am an absolute voyeur. I love peeking at girls, also a girl and a guy having sex
being the best. A few times I have masturbated through my pocket while peeking
up girls dresses. When I livedin NYC, I would wear a very thin pair of shorts or
pants with no underwear and rub myself against girls asses on crowded subway
trains, 95% of the girls got into it and would push back on me. If they moved away
I would leave them alone and try another.

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27 Jun 2009, 2:45 pm

Hm, nope, not me. I find watching to be an absolute turn-off, as a matter of fact.


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27 Jun 2009, 2:50 pm

I enjoy people watching, in malls, airports, big cities. Fun to sit back and just watch the hussle and bussle.

As for the sexual side, I dont know, i dont have any urge or desire to watch another couple having sex. but I wouldnt frown upon it. I do, however, find it a kinda turn-on to think of someone watching me :twisted:

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27 Jun 2009, 3:02 pm

i have been watching the world all my live... in every conceivable way... trying to figure out how other live their lifes and how they get along. sexual and non-sexual. so i guess i'm literally a voyeur.

besides that: i enjoy also watching others in a sexual way. but then again... who doesn't? :wink:

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28 Jun 2009, 12:03 am

aspi-rant wrote:
i have been watching the world all my live... in every conceivable way... trying to figure out how other live their lifes and how they get along. sexual and non-sexual. so i guess i'm literally a voyeur.

besides that: i enjoy also watching others in a sexual way. but then again... who doesn't? :wink:

*raises hand* I doesn't! *grin*

I will watch if I must, for experience. Like, in movies and such, I always pay attention to the way people kiss, because I want to be a satisfactory kisser. I don't get off on it though. Sexually, I can't stand watching others. It's rather repulsive. What can I say though, I'm practically asexual in most regards. I actually fall under demi or gray-A... =D

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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16 Jul 2015, 4:27 am

I kind of had vouyerism forced on me in my late teens as my bedroom was opposite the house of a couple who were swingers, walked around naked all day, and the woman used to practice porn modelling, setting an automatic camera up in her bedroom and posing in lingerie etc. One day, she had a lesbian partner and they were practising doing sexual things in front of a set up camera - all with the curtain half open. I say "forced", but I could have looked away.


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16 Jul 2015, 5:16 am

the only people who ever ogled me [when I was younger] were pederasts. i kinda doubt that 99.99% of the time that anybody else ever had the desire to spy on me for prurient purposes. anyways, I believe that this form of discretion is the better part of valor, to thankfully observe specimens of earthy beauty from a discreet distance and to insure that said specimens are not disturbed by one's presence. i have found, though, that there is some quasi-psychic broadcasting that seems to issue forth from my body/aura, that on occasion i would quickly glance [with my eyes only] at somebody passing by who was looking in the other direction, when their head would whip around angrily at me. this happened more often than i liked, which is a big reason i started wearing dark glasses outdoors [aside from being light-sensitive].

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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16 Jul 2015, 6:06 am

auntblabby wrote:
the only people who ever ogled me [when I was younger] were pederasts. i kinda doubt that 99.99% of the time that anybody else ever had the desire to spy on me for prurient purposes. anyways, I believe that this form of discretion is the better part of valor, to thankfully observe specimens of earthy beauty from a discreet distance and to insure that said specimens are not disturbed by one's presence. i have found, though, that there is some quasi-psychic broadcasting that seems to issue forth from my body/aura, that on occasion i would quickly glance [with my eyes only] at somebody passing by who was looking in the other direction, when their head would whip around angrily at me. this happened more often than i liked, which is a big reason i started wearing dark glasses outdoors [aside from being light-sensitive].

I've been told that this is a famous phenomenon, and that cops and agents are sometimes told not to look directly at people they follow, as people can somehow sense it, even without looking. Personally, I believe in psychic stuff so I can believe that. And I've had times when I was checking out someone's interesting tattoo or something, and they whipped round to look at me, even when their head was pointed away.