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20 Jul 2015, 10:30 am

An old English proverb declares that eyes are the window of the soul.
I am a firm believer in this, along with "my body is my temple".
However, the latter is for another day and another topic :) Today we will discuss the matter of eyes and the use of eye contact in the real world, both around those we know and/or care about.

I feel there is a lot going on in my mind - hopes, dreams, ideals, secrets good and bad, memories, goes on and on. Infatuation and attraction are sometimes in the mix....anyways, going back to the proverb of the OP I do find eye contact very difficult even with my own family. There are very few instances I share it and that's during interviews or business discussions, or spiritual topics. I feel sharing my gaze is sharing all of these things with others and I'm simply not ready to share. i also find it to be a sensory overload.

There's more to this story but it's better everyone gets the opportunity to chime in with their thoughts and experiences first:
*Do you struggle with eye contact and if so, how?
*Do you feel there is an underlying problem for this aside from social anxiety and being on the spectrum?
*What is eye contact to you? Does it mean anything?
*How do you deal with looking at someone you like or are attracted to?
*Do you struggle with eye contact universally or only with set groups of people?


Yours sincerely, some dude.


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20 Jul 2015, 1:03 pm

Eye contact for me is rather simple. I have it with people I like, and find interesting, and especially if I have a crush on somebody. I don't like to have "conversational" eye contact, and especially not with people I don't know or dislike (but I'm pretty good at faking it, but that's another story).


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22 Jul 2015, 11:40 am

The thing about eye contact is it's important to make some eye contact, but not too much.

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22 Jul 2015, 3:22 pm

I do enough eye contact to show respect and that I'm listening to the person - no eye contact then I'm not listening very much unless I'm multitasking and I know the person very well. I'll give full eye contact only when I'm mad - maybe way too much.

Me grumpy?
I'm happiness challenged.

Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 83 of 200
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22 Jul 2015, 4:07 pm

You mean like the grumpy cat, Angela?? :lol:

Yeah, Alex, it's important. But I guess I struggle with what I refer to as "personal" eye contact.

Yours sincerely, some dude.


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23 Jul 2015, 2:24 am

TheSpectrum wrote:
*Do you struggle with eye contact and if so, how?

Mainly with the standards of society concerning this; western society sees eye-contact as a sign of respect, but both too much and too little are not good.
Easters society holds the idea that eye contact is a sign of (social) dominance, which is closer to how i feel about it.

*Do you feel there is an underlying problem for this aside from social anxiety and being on the spectrum?

I won't call is a "problem", but there is an explanation yes.
The eyes are the window to the soul, so if you make eye-contact, you stare in someones deep soul (and he in yours); this is highly uncomfortable, akin to standing naked in the centre of a mall
*What is eye contact to you? Does it mean anything?

It is a strong social signal; it can either show agression, fear or love aimed to the person being looked at.
*How do you deal with looking at someone you like or are attracted to?

No problems really; only initially. once i know and trust a person, eye-contact becomes less and less painful, and for loved ones can even become pleasurable: showing deep love and trust becouse you allow them to see your deepest self
*Do you struggle with eye contact universally or only with set groups of people?

Pretty much universally, except for a few people, as indicated above