The Grand Inquisitor wrote:
Okay, so you say you lose interest when people do something you don't understand or find selfish. Have you ever tried confronting people about these actions? Communication is key in any relationship. People can't read minds.
From the traits you have described that you do exhibit, I would believe that you're capable of love, and if you do lose interest in a person so quickly, how did you manage a 14 year relationship?
Communicate is what I try to do but it seems to have limited effect, if any, most the time. My current partner is NT so it's almost impossible for me to make any sense of what's going on at any given time.
A frequently held discussion in the car:
Me: "Why do you yell and curse at other drivers when they cut you off when you do the same thing to other drivers? Wouldn't it make sense that you not display the same behaviors you dislike?"
Her: "That's different."
Me: "How?"
Her: "Stop analyzing me, Sheldon!" (as in Sheldon from Big Bang Theory)
There seems to be a lot of disingenuous dialog between NTs in general that drives me batty. They make promises they never intend to keep and then I get sucked into all this falseness by association.
I (now) believe my ex is an Aspie with OCD. The irrational behavior part was mostly absent but then there was other idiosyncratic things going on that was logical to at least one of us.
The reason I stayed in the marriage past the first year was that we were from a conservative Christian background and it was beaten into our heads that you never get divorced. Our families and various counselors and clergy members over the years continued to urge we work things out. The two states of our marriage was either fighting or apathy and I wasn't happy with either so after all those years I decided to pull the plug despite condemnation of certain religious individuals. I'm sure my ex gets lots of pity from them still and enjoys it thoroughly.