How To Tell Someone You "Like" Them
I've been good friends with my crush (who has aspergers) for almost three years now. I really like him as a person, and I'd like to be his girlfriend, if he wants me to.
I'm pretty sure he likes me too; we flirt with each other, he thinks the things I do are cute and funny, and I'm the only person he ever touches (he doesn't like being touched, but he goes out of his way to touch me).
The only thing is, he's really bad about initiating things, even something like going to a movie, and so I think if we were ever going to date I'd have to ask him to be my boyfriend. But we are both shy, and I feel so nervous just thinking about it... I'm also afraid I'm reading his signals wrong.
So what should I say?
1. Would it be weird or insincere to ask him about his feelings through an email?
2. Should I ask him if he wants to be my boyfriend, but let him know he can take time to think about it? Or should I just say I like him and let him do the rest (ask me out)?
3. Is it better to just wait and see if anything happens, or should I take the plunge and ask him?
4. How do I ask him without "putting him on the spot" too much?
Im horrible with this, but I would either ask him if he likes you, or tell him you like him, then ask him if he likes you, or be bold and ask him to be your boyfriend. These are just Ideas as I am still horrible with this. So I would do what you think is best. Do it in person as it means more. As he has aspergers allow time for a response. There will possibly be an akward silence, but let it happen. Again these are just ideas. I suck at this so my advice might not be worth much, but do what you think is best and best of luck.
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."
Arthur Conan Doyle
I don't think an email would be weird or insincere. It's better than nothing and for two shy people it might be easier that way. Besides, if they like you back then I doubt the care how you tell them. You can really write what you want to say and not worry about the awkwardness that face to face communication can cause. It'd probably come off as less intimidating too, which might be a good thing. You're also allowing him time to think and write a response.
Write how you feel and avoid using love. I wouldn't make it too long; a paragraph or two at most.
"I like hanging out with you and we seem to get along well. After spending so much time with you I've developed a bit of a crush. I'd really like to get closer and I wonder if you would like that as well? I know this might be sudden, so please take your time responding if you need. Also, I enjoy our friendship and would like to continue it no matter your response."
Something like that but more personnel would probably be ok. If you do send an email then prepare to agonize every second until you hear back . Eitherway, I hope it works out.
Write how you feel and avoid using love. I wouldn't make it too long; a paragraph or two at most.
"I like hanging out with you and we seem to get along well. After spending so much time with you I've developed a bit of a crush. I'd really like to get closer and I wonder if you would like that as well? I know this might be sudden, so please take your time responding if you need. Also, I enjoy our friendship and would like to continue it no matter your response."
Something like that but more personnel would probably be ok. If you do send an email then prepare to agonize every second until you hear back . Eitherway, I hope it works out.
That's good! I've written several practice emails. They always end up really long...
There have been many times when I've waited in agony for a response for what seemed like forever (usually 5 minutes to an hour). I imagine this time will be even harder.
Last edited by IncredibleFrog on 27 Aug 2015, 2:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
Pretty simple.
He might feel the same, or he might not. It shouldn't mess up the friendship if it's real, though, so there's no real downside if it's festering within you to get it out.
I think saying love might be too much, for both of us, at this time...
But, I think you are right about it not hurting our friendship. I'm not sure, but I think he already knows how I feel, and just doesn't know what to do about it. And I feel like I need to tell him, it's reached the point where I think about him most of the time.
Thanks for the advice! I met tell him in person if I feel confident enough. If not, I might have to resort to email though.
I think "like" and "in love" denote the same thing when you get down to it. By all means use "like" if that's what you're comfortable with, though; he'd know what it means.
It's not the same as, "I love you", which would be the hard one, and that's the one you do when you're BF/GF and you think they're the one to be with forever (whether you end up doing that or not doesn't matter, rather how you feel at that time).
Messages are fine for these things. Makes it easier in person once you've got it out in some form.
I think "like" and "in love" denote the same thing when you get down to it. By all means use "like" if that's what you're comfortable with, though; he'd know what it means.
It's not the same as, "I love you", which would be the hard one, and that's the one you do when you're BF/GF and you think they're the one to be with forever (whether you end up doing that or not doesn't matter, rather how you feel at that time).
Messages are fine for these things. Makes it easier in person once you've got it out in some form.
Thanks! I agree, it does mean the same thing, really. I guess "love" just seems more serious to me, and I don't want to come on too strong. I think he'll have a hard time processing it as it is.
Hi Frog: I agree w/ Astro 77 on this. There is a BIG difference between love and like. You yourself describe your feelings as "crush" and "like". If this guy doesn't have a clue how you feel, dropping the love bomb on him will be a shock. "like" establishes your interest in a non- pressure way. It also allows you to disengage a little easier (i.e. save face) if his response is that he does not love you. YOU have been holding on to all this for 3 years so you feel you need to release a pressure in you. But to HIM this will be totally new and you'll want to ease him into it. I say this as being someone in your shoes right this very moment.