I thought I had finally given up dating for good. Too many rejections and ghostings, and I was tired of it all. And I've been doing well living my life. But there is a woman at my yoga class...the assistant instructor, who seems very nice yet quiet, and likable. I smile at her and say hello and ask how she's doing and say her name, but the opportunity for further conversation doesn't lend itself well, as class starts, and then when class ends, she's off to sign in other people.
I'd like to get to know her better. I'd really like to invite her to an opera performance I'm going to go see this month...I don't want to go alone, and would love the company, someone to share the experience with.
But I just don't know if I should bother. While I've gotten better at yoga, I'm by no means one of the best, and not nearly as good as her. So I feel slightly inferior already, and rather intimidated by the idea of even talking to her, let alone asking her out for an evening. And would it just be a terrible idea since I enjoy the class?
Should I try, or would I be better to resume my efforts to not attempt dating, given my past failures. Things have been going well without dating in my life, and am I better off not trying, and just focusing on my life? Or should I try and ask her?