Hi! I am new to this forum and hope that someone can offer me some much needed advice
I am an adult female of 45 years that was diagnosed with asperger syndrome about a year ago. This has helped to explain my life and all of the problems involved. However it has not of course helped to address my many issues.
I have very rigid routines (that unfortunately have been built out of coping mechanisms from past abuse / traumas), which in essence have left me with a very limited existence. I have multiple phobias / anxieties; the hardest to cope with whilst trying to gain a semblance of normality is my social anxiety. Thus I find that my day to day activities mainly happen within my own four walls. I probably leave the house about 2 - 3 times a week, always for the same reasons ie: shopping, catching the train (once a fortnight) and seeing my granddaughter. I only ever go anywhere with one of the three people I trust, and anything I do outside of my house has taken many months / years for me to become comfortable with, even though these activities can still cause multiple anxieties and are surrounded by rigid routines.
As mentioned above I have suffered abuse and traumas throughout my formative years, which was not helped by the fact that I have hyper-empathy, and I still feel that I am embroiled in an abusive relationship right now. I have always been obsessed with having a relationship / boyfriend, and I am very highly sexed (even though I have low self esteem and poor body image). I feel as though I am a very co-dependent person and am always terrified that my 'other half' is going to leave me due to my many inadequacies. It took me 13 years to manage to leave a man that was extremely mentally and physically abusive to me because I was unable to consider a life without him / on my own.
I have been in my present relationship for 9 and a half years. We live 70 miles apart and see each other at weekends. He comes to my house one weekend, I go to his the other. We met on a social anxiety website and I feel he may also be on the autistic spectrum. However, he has managed to get a very high flying job as a Solutions Architect in IT, he has a beautiful house and a lovely car. Whereas I am in a council house, can't drive and am not working. I also struggle with the idea of making plans. I seem to just drift from day-to-day, unsure and fearful of what, other than my routines, is going to transpire. I panic when my boyfriend insists on making plans for holidays or just something to do that day. He screams and shouts at me all of the time (we speak on the phone every day in the week). Nothing I do is right and he gets verbally abusive, calling me vile names and telling me how ret*d / thick / stupid I am. He frequently tells me he hates me and if I try to retaliate, and interject at all, he stops me and stone walls me if I persist. I'm not allowed an opinion and I'm not allowed to be right. Even when I do things for him such as paint the whole of his 3 storey house, clean his house, iron all of his clothes, build his furniture, he tells me I am rubbish. He hates me talking when we are on the phone, telling me my conversations are pointless and rubbish, therefore he monopolizes the whole phone call. He also accuses me of not listening to everything he says and of having a terrible memory.
Recently he keeps telling me that spending time with me is like 'just waiting to die'. I feel devastated by all of this, and there is a million things I've not mentioned as there is just too much.
As I said earlier I find sex very important, so get anxious when we don't 'do it', even though he is very controlling in this department too (we don't have normal sex).
I have found that the only time he is mellow is when he has had a drink or smoked a little cannabis (I can only cope with his moods when I've smoked a little too). I know this all sounds like a car crash but I don't know what to do.
I am getting help with all of my problems regarding asperger syndrome, but I can't see the wood for the trees. I would really appreciate if anyone can offer me some advice. Thank you so much for readingx
Last edited by melissa70 on 13 Oct 2015, 7:02 am, edited 2 times in total.