I'm a Muslim guy, and I have a crush on this Muslim girl. Kissing before marriage is forbidden in my religion, in fact according to most interpretations holding hands is. There is even a quote of the Prophet Muhammad: "It is better for you to be stabbed in the head with an iron needle, than to touch a namahram woman (woman you can marry)." I already do stuff I'm not supposed to do, like eating non halal meat (halal meat is kinda like kosher meat.) And watching porn occasionally. But I do take religion seriously, for instance I don't listen to the playing of stringed instruments since according to hamza yusuf and the vast majority of scholars, it is forbidden. I also pray 5 times a day, and don't eat pork. Do you think there would be harm if I went against my religion, and kissed this girl if I was able to get into a romantic relationship with her?