yellowtamarin wrote:
If your idea of attractive is the same as the stereotypical idea of "hot", but you don't fit that description yourself, you will find it tough, as stated previously. It can be faked to some degree by behaving as though you believe you are "hot", e.g. with confidence or a smattering of arrogance. I don't know much about all that though, as it's not my world. Observe "hot" guys, or guys with "hot" girlfriends, and see what you can do to be more like them.
It requires looks, not acting.
On dating sites for example, normal is perceived as 'hot' , this can be showed by their state of full inbox.
The better looking the girl is, the pickier is and the less attainable, the opposite is true - this is a general rule. Every time a girl messages me on some dating site and gives me her phone number right away always turn out to be very obese.
Asians and Moroccans/Algerians/Tunisians are exception to this rule, I haven't seen such correlation from them (they are fast to give their phone nb and contact info away, and yet - they're good looking); I think it highly depends on whether you are generally perceived as hot or not, and it's very obvious this differs from culture to another. (Remember my tinder experiment?)