gekitsu wrote:
well, i seem to be able to form deep friendships only with girls, for whatever reason that may be - but i found that there are girls (bright ones, usually) who appreciate being seen as someone who can be conversed with on a high level, instead of just a nice sperm deposit. thats what we usually are good at: listening to WHAT people actually have to say.
maybe some of us also have an easier time accepting strange quirks, as we each have our own share and are conscious about them (which most idiots are not - that would so annoy me, btw: someone complaining about my quirks while being oblivious to his even dumber quirks).
i agree with that soo much...they know we're good listeners even though i personally dont always here everything the girl has to say.....but sometimes i feel like their non-gay gay best friend who they go to with all their problems and it does get annoying