You can always create a spread-sheet. Keep track of the categories that are important to you.
K_Kelly wrote:
How do you make a personal dating profile, not literally as in an online profile, but so I can keep track of myself and what I want from a partner.
For example, I need a lady who is ultra-clean, able to keep the house spotless and organised to perfection. I know for a fact that she would be completely incompatible to live in the same household as me if she cannot clean up after herself or put things away after she's done using them, especially if she scatters everything everywhere (automatic-disqualification for her).
A lady who has a habit of argument is also auto-disqualified from being allowed to associate with me in or as a relationship. I put forth a hell of a lot of time and effort into my research, and if she is the type to automatically argue or disagree without doing any amount of research or homework of her own, also an auto-disqualification.
Another thing that I will not tolerate is a dishonest lady who makes excuses for her dishonest/lazy behaviour. Auto-Disqualifcation.
I know what I will accept in a lady and, regarding appearance, whilst I may be highly attracted to physical-beauty, I eventually came up with a great idea of having her cos-play into a bunch of different animé-character girls so that she can take on the appearance of lots of extremely beautiful/sexy animé-girl-characters when we have sex together, letting me have sex with lots of different women this way, even though she is the only one, resulting in a win-win where she knows that I have no need/reason to have affairs on her since she can take on the appearance of any other lady with whom I may wish to have sex.
I also know that she needs to not be stubborn. A lady who is stubborn is auto-disqualified. I do not need lazy, arrogant, willfully ignorant, uninformed, brain-washed sheeple-types who are so easily deceived and blindly follow the masses into being manipulated by corporate-controlled mass-media promote war-mongering corporate-interests.
Bonuses for her being able to understand/speak foreign-languages. Additional bonus if she shares other interests/skills, such as martial arts training, para-normal research, awareness of mind-control phenomenon, has a willingness to learn something new, does not arrogantly adhere to superficiality, etc. I will stop at these descriptions for now since that Cloud-Thing is going to make me re-click a bunch of stuff to prove that I am not some sort of robot or Artificial-Intelligence...
Pay me for my signature. 私の署名ですか❓お前の買うなければなりません。Mon autographe nécessite un paiement. Которые хочет мою автографу, у тебя нужно есть деньги сюда. Bezahlst du mich, wenn du meine Unterschrift wollen.