rdos wrote:
Sabreclaw wrote:
rdos wrote:
Sabreclaw wrote:
Kyle Katarn wrote:
What did he do wrong?
From what I gathered from the letter, it goes something along the lines of "I don't want to date you because you look like crap".
More like "I don't want to date you because my penis didn't get erect".

Which is an implication of ugliness. Penises like attractive people. So he was thinking only about sex and he was thinking that she's ugly. Both of which can be considered somewhat impolite.
Actually, he wrote that she was pretty, but then his "equipment" failed with him (presumably because she was not slim enough).
"So whilst I am hugely turned on by your mind, your face, your personality (and God…I really, really am), I can’t say the same about your figure"
"but I have this awful feeling that when we got undressed my body would let me down."
"I would marry you like a shot if you were a slip of a girl"
Maybe you don't see it that way, but I see it as him calling her ugly. I know I'd feel ugly if someone said that to me.