I'm 36. I had my first girlfriend at 18, though that was a mess, got married in my early 20s, separated late 20s for a few years during which I had a 1 year relationship, and then later got back with Mrs Hopper.
Grammar Geek wrote:
What option does one choose if they are exactly 25, 35, 45, or between 45 and 50?
Yeah, I wondered that.
nerdygirl wrote:
I think that this is an interesting poll.
I'd like to see how gender and age affect things...
BUT, it'd be hard to get an accurate answer.
First off, if not enough people respond, you won't get a sampling big enough to be representative.
Also, if there are more males here, you will get more male answers, which will not make an accurate comparison between males and females.
Still interesting, though.
It is. Hopefully enough numbers will come in to give it a good sample.
But it will depend on the male/female split of WP, how those visiting L&D splits male/female as well as how likely it is those who are in a relationship are likely to come here as opposed to those who aren't.
There might also be an issue with self-reporting, in that those who have never had a relationship may be more likely to say so than those who have, it being a more pressing issue for them.
Of course, it's probably quite a bit more complicated than that.
You know sometimes, between the dames and the horses, I don't even know why I put my hat on.