Paul123 wrote:
I was wondering if there are better ways for aspies to meet a potential partner other than the standard NT methods, which I've found to be challenging.
E.g. I don't really socialise, apart from when out with family, or my uncle or cousin - hence I don't therefore really have a chance to "meet people when out socialising". Nor would I know the first thing about going up to a girl and starting a conversion. I break into a cold sweat if I think one happens to be showing an interest in me - after all, all I'm likely to do is to 'not meet their expectations' (i.e. in terms of being able to converse well).
I have been looking into online dating, to the point of writing a profile but not yet uploading a photo. Two issues with online dating bother me though:
1. What do I do if someone shows an interest but its someone whom I don't find at all physically attracted to? I don't want to be in a situation where I might hurt someone's feelings (which raises a conflict as I tend to need to be honest about most things) - I never want to hurt someone's feelings.
2. If someone did like me and I them, I'm not really sure how well I'd get on going on an actual date - not sure if I'd cope that well (perhaps I showed try just to make friends before looking into dating?). In particular I'm slightly concerned that I come across better in writing than what I can say aloud, hence may not meet peoples expectations (I fear things going embarassing badly, where no one is saying anything and others are watching).
Are there alternative ways other than this (and the work place which I feel would be too risky) to meet potential matches? Thanks
If you are not willing to date someone from work and aren't comfortable socialising in public,then your only realistic option is internet dating.