Lets see, what type of gamer I am.
It's about a 40/60 percent mix of PC gaming (and mainly olden games like Starcraft and System Shock 2) and non-electronic gamer. In the latter case, its a mix of card games (like Munchkin, Pimp: The Backhanding, or Lunch Money), board games (Arkham Horror, Betrayal on House on the Hill, Axis and Allies, etc), tabletop wargames (Warhammer, Warmachine, Warzone, Warhamster =P, etc) and roleplaying games (Dungeons and Dragons, GURPS, BESM, Teenagers from Outer Space, HERO...the only one I used to play that I know there ARE females that play it would be Vampire: The Masquerade, and I hate that game).
Not sure if what I'm about to say should go under adult section, but I have a thing for Goth girls. Don't know why really. Maybe they're in general kinkier? Who knows. Also have a thing for artsy types, and at times wonder if I should drive to pick up dates at NCSA...oh well.