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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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13 Feb 2016, 5:29 pm

Hi everybody! I would like your opinion on the following.
There is a guy at work I like. I wonder if he has aspergers but I am not sure. He may be very shy or not interested. So, we are not in the same team but we seat in the same big room and we have sometimes to chat (via skype). I try to be friendly, making the conversation a bit more personal but he stays very work focussed. He answers my questions a tiny bit, or put a smily or will not react at all to what i write. I have spoken a bit to him but i don't dare to greet him as it makes him very nervous (he is really zoning when walking around). I have tried recently to make more private conversation (still over skype) and since then he really has a change in attitude. Mostly, when he passed by, i sometimes catched a quick glance to me though in all fairness, my desk is position so that a lot of people will look at me as they pass by... But since my little "conversation attempt", this guy just look away with the full head turned!
I know I am shy so when I had an occasion to talked to him, I was so worried to bother him that I shortened the conversation to what needed to be said (work related).
Any idea why he would look away? For your info, me and another girl are the only female person he would talk to. I know that other girl manages to talk private stuff with him but she can not shy him : she is famously happily married and she has so much empathy that everybody feels relaxed talking to her so I can not compare for any possible difference.
Thanks for the answers!


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13 Feb 2016, 5:46 pm

Don't really have an opinion on this.

What are are asking? If he has AS, if he likes you or what?


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13 Feb 2016, 5:51 pm

The important question is do you like him? If he glances at you and then looks away, that's a sign he likes you. If he's really nervous around you, that may be a sign he likes you.

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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13 Feb 2016, 6:10 pm

The question is if he likes me. I just meant to say he seems to have AS (weird, clumsy ways, in IT) which could also be a reason why it is so hard to communicate with him.
If I like him? Yes I do. He works well (I see it as a big quality), he is nice and helpful and I do like his quiet way.
As a reminder, my desk is situated so that a lot of people have a quick glance at me as they pass by. People tend to agree finding me cute but i don't think to be that amazing that half the office people would fancy me :-P
The weird thing is mainly how he now walks his way by my desk the head turned away... so no glances at me anymore.


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13 Feb 2016, 6:40 pm

If you want to find out if he likes you, then you should ask HIM!

We don't know you, we don't know him, and we have no real idea what he is thinking.


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13 Feb 2016, 7:42 pm

It is hard to tell if he likes you from what you said. I would say try to ask him a question about something non-work related. Ask him what he is doing over the weekend or something like that. If he gives answers like "nothing" with no expression and that is it then he might not be interested in talking to you but if he gives more than that or gives you a smile then he might be interested.