Outrider wrote:
Anyway, in my experiences OP I find the 'too busy in life' excuse to be absolute bullsh*t, because people who are truly interested in you, would want to make it work, no matter how busy you are or not.
THIS. If someone tells you they are 'too busy' they are a liar and not relationship material. Don't waste your time with anyone like this like I did as women are conditioned not to directly reject someone (which is why Aspies struggle so much). I had a woman I was dating who seemed nearly perfect say she was going to be 'busy' for the first couple of weeks so I tried being patient. Weeks turned into months and my patience start to wear out. She broke if off when I cornered her about this and I blamed myself for being 'needy'. Turns out she bought a house with her best friend and they recently posted a picture where they were clearly holding hands in an intimate way. Can't believe I was so stupid and naïve!
When I courted my Fiancee, I was playing hockey three times a week, playing gym sports once a week and running twice a week. I
STILL found time to see her 2-3 times a week and that quickly rose to 5, 6 and then 7. It might take a while, but when you find the right one it won't feel like pulling your hair out trying to make time to see each other.