Ever feel like you where born in the wrong time period?

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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31 Jul 2011, 6:07 am

anyone else feel like there out of place in this time period? ive heard people say chivalry is dead but is there any other guys out there who have honor? that may be a redicules word to most men but to guys like me it carrys alot of weight opening doors for women and paying for there meal is just a small part of it of being a chivalrous and honorable man call me sexist all u want but i believe women should be protected by men not because they are weaker or lesser then men in alot of ways women are stronger then men but because women should be respected and deserve a man that will give them a sence of security most men in this day and age are ideots that see women as sexual objects to be used then discarded and they dont understand how destructive that kind of mentality is it causes a riple effect that continues a cycle of imorality, suffering and lies one of the bigest parts of a relationship now is trust honesty is a rare thing in this day and age because lieing is so common some people even beleive there own lies women nowdays get used and beat down by these cowardly men that they cant trust men at all and start turning to other women for intimacy marrage used to be one of the most sacred of traditions but now people get married on a whim without even realy knowing who there partner realy is and once the truth starts to come out it all turns for the worst and some people try to endour it they blind themselves to the disfunction and later on after they have a kid or 2 they cant take it anymore so they get a divorce which continues the cycle of destruction teaching the child that it doesnt have to take responsibility for its own actions and causing abandonment isues so that child will grow into an adult with the idea that if he gets a girl pregnant he doesnt have to take responsability for his creation he can just run away and leave that girl to take care of a child by herself and the cycle continues to spiral downward this cycle is somthing i want no part of so i look to the old way when men protected there familys and were honest and honorable and that is why i am out of place in this time i talk to other men and they laugh and see my honor as a weakness when i see there lack of honor as the greatest weakness and most destructive force in this sociaty.

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31 Jul 2011, 6:16 am

Hostility and intolerance toward people who are different will probably always exist. The tribe mentality is human nature. It's just who we are and it is also a survival instinct.


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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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31 Jul 2011, 6:25 am

did u read anything other then the tidle?


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31 Jul 2011, 7:16 am

Granted, contemporary society has all the flaws you describe, but your interpretation of the past seems a little idealized.
We have the lingering romanticized stereotypes of the chivalry and honor of the past because those stories endured.
The depressing-as-shit stories of looting, raping, and pillaging got cut out of the cinematic archetypes.
A century from now, people might as well watch Die Hard, and imagine that men today were brave and compassionate like Bruce Willis's character.
Think about Gilgamesh. High standards of bravery and morality have been around at least as long as civilization itself.
That doesn't mean the "average man" lives up to those standards.

I think the modern man has come a long way. If he's unwilling to pick up a gun or a sword and fight,
maybe it's because we adjust and adapt to our environment, and violence has actually declined (in general).
I've never been mugged or robbed in my neighborhood, so I don't encourage my neighbors to carry rifles
and become gun-slinging vigilantes to protect their wives from imaginary enemies.
If they want to fight, they should take up arms against the status-quo, and the gender difference in pay and promotion.

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31 Jul 2011, 9:09 am

I wish I were the age I am now in the late 80s.


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31 Jul 2011, 9:32 am

Sometimes...renaissance clothes fit me much better than modern clothes. Although women weren't treated that well back then either...so I'll just stay in the current era and go to renaissance faires. That way I get both. :D


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31 Jul 2011, 10:37 am

While romantic interaction from the times gone by may been intriguing and desirable, the truth is, it's always been about mutual exchange of social status and romance for companionship and sex. Always has, always will be, the only difference is what being the nature of the exchange and how long it took to close the sale. I'm devaluing women, I fully support equal rights and responsibilities; it's the romantic relationships I'm being cynical about.

A caveman would go out hunting boars and deer, bring food to the woman he was with, and protect the cave or hut they lived in. She, in turn, would feel attraction toward him, enough for it to lead to sex. Over time, it would lead to having children, but that's beside the point.

Ancient Greece and Rome:
A freeman or commoner would try to accumulate land and wealth, along with as many slaves as he could afford. He would also sail halfway around the world, to trade. His wife, in turn, would devote herself to him emotionally and sexually, despite him being gone on voyages.

Medieval Europe:
A young man would join the ranks of the knights, to learn the art of war and chivalry. He'd learn to how slay enemy soldiers and how to wine and dine a maiden. She, in turn, would be so impressed by him, that she's become his wife, which meant sex.

Shakespearean England:
A young man would meet a woman who caught his eye, and decide to court her (with chaperones, given the times). He'd read her sonnets in a garden and tell her how beautiful she is. This in turn, would lead to getting married, followed by the wedding night.

Early 1900's America:
Casual dating was in its nascent phases. Men courted women by surrounding them with any opulence they could afford, it being gifts or outings to fancy places. Over time, the relationship would grow enough to lead to marriage, and then, wedding night.

1960's Worldwide:
America had guys in psychedelic vans. England had Mods on Vespas. Both of these meant the guys was a rebel. And that meant power and strength. Women are drawn to it, which soon led to having sex with the respective guy. Marriage became optional.

Romantic roles became fragmented. Gallant courtship that worked for centuries lost ground, leaving nice guys with few or no options. But not all women are won over by violence and flashiness, leaving a ray of hope. Still, lowering standards is necessary at times.

The future?:
Only time will tell. Perhaps the pendulum will swing the other way, giving nice guy some assurance of finding a romantic partner, they way they had in the 1950's and prior. Or it could get much worse, degrading the progress made in romance/dating back to prehistory.

Conclusion? The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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31 Jul 2011, 10:46 am

I feel like I should have been born 100 years from now, or at least one possible future 100 years from now, where people actually WANT to solve problems. A future where people know how to listen, where people can care for one another, where people can communicate and aren't forced into involuntary servitude of any form for the sake of tradition.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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31 Jul 2011, 1:28 pm

I think that the strong will never stop to oppress the weak and different until the human race is completely wiped out. The strong will always try to oppress the weak. It's human nature.


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31 Jul 2011, 1:32 pm


Lets rewind the clock to when it was legal to beat your wife and women had few, if any, rights.

No thanks. Opening my own doors and paying for my own food is a small price to pay for not being a slave.

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Tufted Titmouse
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31 Jul 2011, 3:03 pm

I think my point was missunderstood my point isnt about womens rights in any way i beleive women are equals in every way i was mainly talking about the destructive cycle of men without respect for women and a lack of morals. mabey my views of the past are a bit romanticized but the idea of being a honest respectful and honorable man is a good one ive talked to so many guys who call themselves "players" or "thugs" or "gangsters" and the way they think of women is little more then sexual objects to be used then discarded and it sickens me because ive known so many women who have ben incapable of trusting men because they were hurt so many times by those kind of men and it makes it verry hard for women to beleive that im not like that myself because they have ben lied to so many times before i take pride in the fact that i dont lie and im a man of my word with respect for women lieing to me is counter productive if somone lies about themself in a relationship sooner or later the truth will come out and it will all blow up in there face and that is the last thing i would want to create because im not interested in a relationship based on sex and im not looking for a temporary thing all i want is a real long term relationship based on friendship and trust sex is a part of it but its importance is only secondary ive seen alot of u other aspies talking about instincts and animalistic behavior in humans and i dont completly disagree with evolution but honestly do u realy want to degrade yourself by thinking your similar to an ape that will eat its own waste? i personaly dont label myself with religeon but i am open minded and dont want to disprove anything mabey humans do have instincts but we also have higher intelligence and i beleive that degrading yourself by saying your an animal is a form of ignorance and this so called tribe mentality may exist but it too is ignorance and i want no part of it


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31 Jul 2011, 11:20 pm

TurreticStorm wrote:
I think my point was missunderstood my point isnt about womens rights in any way i beleive women are equals in every way i was mainly talking about the destructive cycle of men without respect for women and a lack of morals. mabey my views of the past are a bit romanticized but the idea of being a honest respectful and honorable man is a good one ive talked to so many guys who call themselves "players" or "thugs" or "gangsters" and the way they think of women is little more then sexual objects to be used then discarded and it sickens me because ive known so many women who have ben incapable of trusting men because they were hurt so many times by those kind of men and it makes it verry hard for women to beleive that im not like that myself because they have ben lied to so many times before i take pride in the fact that i dont lie and im a man of my word with respect for women lieing to me is counter productive if somone lies about themself in a relationship sooner or later the truth will come out and it will all blow up in there face and that is the last thing i would want to create because im not interested in a relationship based on sex and im not looking for a temporary thing all i want is a real long term relationship based on friendship and trust sex is a part of it but its importance is only secondary ive seen alot of u other aspies talking about instincts and animalistic behavior in humans and i dont completly disagree with evolution but honestly do u realy want to degrade yourself by thinking your similar to an ape that will eat its own waste? i personaly dont label myself with religeon but i am open minded and dont want to disprove anything mabey humans do have instincts but we also have higher intelligence and i beleive that degrading yourself by saying your an animal is a form of ignorance and this so called tribe mentality may exist but it too is ignorance and i want no part of it
I hear that. Perhaps the most insulting part (to me personally) is when I hear women advise their other woman-firends to NOT go out with the courteous, valiant guy, because the harder he tries, the more possessive he supposedly is. It's discriminating against the heart-felt and the sincere. We're supposed to lie and feign indifference to earn love we feel. play hard-to-get (a strategy which never works for us either).
So we get comfortable with the silent realization that we will never be loved simply because we feel love too much. What else can we do? :lol:

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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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31 Jul 2011, 11:33 pm

Fatal-Noogie wrote:
TurreticStorm wrote:
I think my point was missunderstood my point isnt about womens rights in any way i beleive women are equals in every way i was mainly talking about the destructive cycle of men without respect for women and a lack of morals. mabey my views of the past are a bit romanticized but the idea of being a honest respectful and honorable man is a good one ive talked to so many guys who call themselves "players" or "thugs" or "gangsters" and the way they think of women is little more then sexual objects to be used then discarded and it sickens me because ive known so many women who have ben incapable of trusting men because they were hurt so many times by those kind of men and it makes it verry hard for women to beleive that im not like that myself because they have ben lied to so many times before i take pride in the fact that i dont lie and im a man of my word with respect for women lieing to me is counter productive if somone lies about themself in a relationship sooner or later the truth will come out and it will all blow up in there face and that is the last thing i would want to create because im not interested in a relationship based on sex and im not looking for a temporary thing all i want is a real long term relationship based on friendship and trust sex is a part of it but its importance is only secondary ive seen alot of u other aspies talking about instincts and animalistic behavior in humans and i dont completly disagree with evolution but honestly do u realy want to degrade yourself by thinking your similar to an ape that will eat its own waste? i personaly dont label myself with religeon but i am open minded and dont want to disprove anything mabey humans do have instincts but we also have higher intelligence and i beleive that degrading yourself by saying your an animal is a form of ignorance and this so called tribe mentality may exist but it too is ignorance and i want no part of it
I hear that. Perhaps the most insulting part (to me personally) is when I hear women advise their other woman-firends to NOT go out with the courteous, valiant guy, because the harder he tries, the more possessive he supposedly is. It's discriminating against the heart-felt and the sincere. We're supposed to lie and feign indifference to earn love we feel. play hard-to-get (a strategy which never works for us either).
So we get comfortable with the silent realization that we will never be loved simply because we feel love too much. What else can we do? :lol:
dude thats exactly it glad to see somone gets wat im trying to say ive stoped trying for a long time because of that but now im trying again and its realy hard because so many women have trust isues from being hurt so much by destructive men you have to build trust with them and alot of the time it takes so long for them to see that im not like the typical as*hole men that want to use or manipulate them i have honor and respect and i find lieing to be counter productive it sickens me when i see these beautiful women with such bad self esteem that they think they deserve men that will use and discard them and they even reject men that will actualy treat them right for those as*holes yea im not perfect but im way more mature then most men my age and even alot of men older then me i actualy know a girl right now thats drop dead gorgeous beutiful green eyes fair skin and short red dark red hair and shes a total mess she cant even sleep at night without medication because one of those as*holes beat the crap out of her one night wile she was sleeping and tryed to kill her and every time i see her face i think how could any man hit such a prety face? she tells me she wants a man that doesnt think of her as just a peice of ass and will treat her right but then she rejects me at every turn and falls in love with anyone but me the guy shes with now calls himself a "player" even tells her that but says he wont play her and here i am thinking hmm and u actualy trust him over me? its like watching sheep invite a wolf to dinner because the wolf "says" it wont eat them.

Last edited by TurreticStorm on 31 Jul 2011, 11:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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31 Jul 2011, 11:55 pm

is this a 'nice guy' thread disguised as a wrong time period thread?

Because when I read the title, I was expecting a thread about how we feel out of place -- I myself feel like a Victorian because of my romantic tendencies that feel out of place today, and my love of exploration which also feels closed to me in this day and age of Google maps and no cheap fares to the stars yet.

Chivalry? Everyone likes to focus on the female context within Chivalry. Few seem to focus on the Chivalrous notions of helping, and even dying for, the poor.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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31 Jul 2011, 11:59 pm

no this isnt a disguised nice guys thread if u read my first and 2nd posts u will understand but like they said my views of the past are "romantisized" so i probably belong more in a mideval video game then the past and i agree about what u said about chivalry its not just about women its a courtious and righteous but not self righteous life style and most people dont actualy understand the full meaning of it


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01 Aug 2011, 12:10 am

TurreticStorm wrote:
no this isnt a disguised nice guys thread if u read my first and 2nd posts u will understand but like they said my views of the past are "romantisized" so i probably belong more in a mideval video game then the past

I did read your first post...which is why I have the impression this is a 'nice guys' thread. All you talk about is how 'other' guys these days treat women poorly. Sounds like the 'nice guy' lament to me.

But I guess I should have expected this in the Love and Dating section. If it were a true 'wrong time period' thread, it would be in a different section, where people would talk about sailing ships, cowboys, following Marco Polo along the silk road, or debating with Seneca.

Edit: On that note, I'm going out for a beer.