So here's the situation. There's this girl at the clubhouse I go to that I have a mild crush on. There's this other guy there who likes her (she seems to be popular with guys because she's physically attractive), and they're friends. When I say they're friends, I mean he's following her around, being nice to her, and doing her random favors so that she will f**k him. Often he hugs her, and she's okay with that. The other day, after they hugged, he tried to kiss her, and she rejected him. "Okay," I thought, "Typical Nice Guy getting turned down. Maybe he'll stop." But now, even after being rejected, he's continuing to pursue her. Yesterday he tried to kiss her again and told her "But you're mine." Today he asked her to go somewhere with him on his birthday (which isn't until June). She said yes, I guess because she considers him a friend and it would be for his birthday. Then he asked her to come hang out at his place afterward, to which she said no. Later, when I was talking to her, being the shy, awkward guy I am, just trying to have a conversation with a girl I like, he comes over and sits down next to her and hijacks the conversation, saying "I want to talk to you." I said to him "You just won't take no for an answer, will you?" She told me "It's okay. We're friends." So that's basically what's going on. This guy is really starting to irritate me.