kraftiekortie wrote:'re really serious about this guy!
It's what every faithful person in a serious monogamous person should subconsciously reply. I respect Sweetleaf now 10 times than before.
If not, then this person might go for someone better/richer/more famous/hotter/favoriate-celeb-looklike if given the chance.
Those wishes of being with a celeb may sound harmless and innocent desires - but personally I don't believe that, it means that deep inside they wish for a better partner and don't view their current partner as the best person ever.
It makes me cringe when I see people in monogamous relationships drool/fantasize/sexually-praise for some celeb - if those celebs were normal people, would it be an ok behavior to drool for them? for some other woman/man? Why it suddenly becomes ok and harmless if they are celeb?