LowFreq50 wrote:
Better luck at StarTrek conventions perhaps.
Joke or not, it is probly true.
What you need to remember is she or he will
be in a wifi spots. Ooooh! on a Goooood! day you
will see many bachelors like myself behind
their computers. And also the female who is
perhaps seeking, but the pairing can be difficult
ineither the bachlelor's or her point of view.
The reason they hang at wifi spots is always
inconsistent. I do it so I am around people,
not so much to interact. and Godddd! Forbidddd!
there they are, and about 25-50 in years old.
The problem is getting one outside it's computer.
It's meaning they, and I are a strange lot. Deep
in thought, minimal in wanting to be hurt in
expressing the thought. Thus bachelor central
is no longer the laundrymat, or Star Trek
convention, but there is a large number there.
"HAVE WIFI FIND bachelor and computer
type female(potential dating material) to boot.
Hmmmmm? Fascinating Captain!
P.S...What I am trying to say you may find her
in this area of target. I realize you may not
get my wording so I hope this helps!