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10 Apr 2016, 9:43 am

Last Friday, I went out of my comfort zone and tried a speed dating event in Austin. The event took place at a club called Karma Lounge which I've never been to before since bars and clubs are not my speed. I live about an hour away from Austin so I drove and arrived a bit early to be on the safe side but I was actually the first to show up! Around the time the event was supposed to start (7:30), most of the people who said they would come showed up and things got started.

The first girl I talked to I didn't really connect with. She said I felt anxious which was true since I had never done this sort of thing before but I was trying to calm myself. She also asked me if I was religious which I told her no and she pretty much lost interest after that. I had to wait a while before I could talk to the next girl since two didn't show up and there were two empty spaces (The girls stayed in their spots while the guys rotatated). When I finally got to talk to the next girl, things were looking up. The conversation was non-stop, we both laughed, and we had some common interests. Unfortunately, our time to talk was short (Each speed date was only 5 minutes) but I told her I hope we could talk more. The rest was more or less what happened with those two girls. I wanted to talk to the nice girl again during the break but she and her friend went down to get some drinks and I wasn't sure how to bring up another conversation with her. She and her friend also didn't stay around after the event while some did.

I submitted my 'yes' matches on the meet up's website when I got back home but so far I haven't got any results back. My mind is going from thinking maybe they haven't submitted their answers yet to maybe I didn't get any mutual matches. The site says "at this time" so it's giving me some hope I'll have positive results but the fact it has been nearly two days since the event hasn't been very encouraging.

If anyone else has done this before, what were your experiences like and how long does it usually take to hear back from someone?


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11 Apr 2016, 8:18 am

Never done it.

I might do well for the first few minutes--then, after that, forget about it!


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19 Apr 2016, 8:24 pm

Well, it's been almost two weeks since the event and I didn't get any results. :(

Tufted Titmouse
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20 Apr 2016, 9:56 am

I tried it back in February, for 20s-30s singles. 11 women, I said "yes" to 7. The way it worked, was you sat across the table from someone, who carried their nametag with them. After 5 minutes, you would text "YES" or "NO" to the host plus that person's name. If there were any mutual matches, the host would share respective numbers to.

The 4 I didn't say yes to:
-Two were way older (late 30s or so), one wanted a guy that "Loved the lord as much as I do."
-One of them just up and left in the middle of the conversation to take a phone call.
-One of them was way too into football for her own good. She mentions going to UNC-Wilmington, she asks where I went, to which I said "NC State."
She said "I hate that school." I went..."You're...joking, are you?"
Her response was "No, I'm serious! I'm a Duke fan, and Chapel Hill are their main rivals but State are just a bunch of posers!"
"I...went because they had the overall best and most affordable science and engineering programs in-state."
"Look. I don't watch football. I've never watched a Superbowl. I didn't know who Tom Brady was until last year. I'm like...Leonard from Big Bang. I need to consult Wikipedia to understand how it works, or who plays what."
"You don't watch sports?! !?"
"Look, I don't think we have much in common, but maybe we could be friends, and laugh at this later."
"We still have 3 minutes left, I want my time back!"

And so I just sat there amused, while she was sulking into her cellphone.

The 7 I said yes to, none of them were resounding yes's, as much as "sure, it may be cool to get drinks" rather than anything else. None of them said yes.


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20 Apr 2016, 10:15 am

^ I recall a study showing that most women say No, while most guys say Yes in speed dating.

You may find this interesting tho:

Normally in speed dating, men walk around a room and visit a succession of seated women for mini dates just a few minutes long. Later, the participants note down whom they would like to meet again. If there is a match, the organizers help the people to get in touch. Psychologists have found that although men choose, on average, half of the women present, women choose to see only a third of the men again2,3.

This isn't really a surprise. Among animals, females are usually the picky ones, because they make the larger reproductive investment. However, the new research, by Eli Finkel and Paul Eastwick, social psychologists at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, demonstrates that tinkering with the speed-dating format alters human behaviour, dramatically changing the outcome.

However, the new research, by Eli Finkel and Paul Eastwick, social psychologists at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, demonstrates that tinkering with the speed-dating format alters human behaviour, dramatically changing the outcome. ... 9.537.html


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20 Apr 2016, 12:39 pm

Yeah if I tried this route when single it probably would have stressed me out due to all the pressure, I hate timed things like that...I definitely liked the prospect of dating sites better where its an email style message and you can take your time to think about it before you have to respond much less pressure.

We won't go back.


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22 Apr 2016, 7:41 pm

I'm sorry you didn't get any matches but it's great you were able to put yourself out there & give it a try.

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30 Apr 2016, 5:34 pm

nick007 wrote:
I'm sorry you didn't get any matches but it's great you were able to put yourself out there & give it a try.

Thank you. I can atleast say I've been trying instead of just staying in my room wondering.

I tried it again yesterday mainly because I was hoping to see the people I though I had connected with again and maybe make a second impression but they weren't there. I don't think I'll be going back to that venue. The music was louder than it was last time and it hurt my ears. I also felt mentally tired from essentially asking the same questions over and over again.


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30 Apr 2016, 7:19 pm

Sweetleaf wrote:
Yeah if I tried this route when single it probably would have stressed me out due to all the pressure, I hate timed things like that...I definitely liked the prospect of dating sites better where its an email style message and you can take your time to think about it before you have to respond much less pressure.

No you don't.

That's an illusion.

You just have a little more time.

You still have a window of opportunity that will be lost if you take more than 24hrs or so to respond, otherwise they'll lose interest.

I'm not as good at online communication and somtimes really do genuinely don't know how to respond to a message for a day or three, and by this time any interest they've gained is lost.


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30 Apr 2016, 7:25 pm

Wish there was something like this in my area.

Pof of fish sometimes does a thing but is always just mostly guys and older women who go and always late night at a bar. I can't go out late and i don't drink nor Do I want a girl who's idea time is clubbing.

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30 Apr 2016, 9:03 pm

I tried speed dating twice. I didn't like it the first time, and tried it a second time just to confirm. Yup, don't like it at all.

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30 Apr 2016, 9:38 pm

Speed dating seems like an atrocious way for autistic people to meet dates. I've never known anyone who tried speed dating, let alone made a permanent match that way. At the same time, I've known quite a few couples who met through online dating sites. That is how I met my current partner.

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30 Apr 2016, 10:26 pm

BeaArthur wrote:
Speed dating seems like an atrocious way for autistic people to meet dates. I've never known anyone who tried speed dating, let alone made a permanent match that way. At the same time, I've known quite a few couples who met through online dating sites. That is how I met my current partner.

For aspies who'd never meet women in their daily life's. It helps them meet w bunch in a single night.


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01 May 2016, 5:09 am

The_Face_of_Boo wrote:
^ I recall a study showing that most women say No, while most guys say Yes in speed dating.

You may find this interesting tho:
Normally in speed dating, men walk around a room and visit a succession of seated women for mini dates just a few minutes long. Later, the participants note down whom they would like to meet again. If there is a match, the organizers help the people to get in touch. Psychologists have found that although men choose, on average, half of the women present, women choose to see only a third of the men again2,3.

This isn't really a surprise. Among animals, females are usually the picky ones, because they make the larger reproductive investment. However, the new research, by Eli Finkel and Paul Eastwick, social psychologists at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, demonstrates that tinkering with the speed-dating format alters human behaviour, dramatically changing the outcome.

However, the new research, by Eli Finkel and Paul Eastwick, social psychologists at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, demonstrates that tinkering with the speed-dating format alters human behaviour, dramatically changing the outcome. ... 9.537.html

That is really really interesting!! ! I suppose you can't blame women for being picky it's hardwired in our brains.


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02 May 2016, 12:59 am


Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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02 May 2016, 12:33 pm

I went to another one on Wednesday last week. Unfortunately, most around here are catered to the "freshly divorced" crowd, meaning 33-48, or older, because apparently Millennials only meet through Tinder nowadays or something like that.

There were two women, 20s somethings, one was a grad student for business, the other worked at a massage place, initial conversation was pleasant but commonalities were not really established. They were both very attractive, but basic. "I like to laugh...I'm very spiritual, not sure if religious...I listen to anything, like top 40 music."