nick007 wrote:
I had a horrible time on dating sites & trying to get women offline but I got all 3 of my girlfriends by posting aLOT on forums. I love my current girlfriend. She's also on the spectrum & she's the only person who really accepts me, understands me & supports me. Sure we have some differences & do things that annoy each other sometimes but we both want what's best for each other, are there for each other & feel like we'd be lost without the other.
We suspect my fiance may be on the spectrum, as she's the only person who accepts me, traits and all, and while we don't understand each other all the time, it doesn't cause an issue and like you said we both want whats best for each other and would definitely be lost without each other.
She's just like no one else I have met. It's like we have an adult mode, in which we do what we HAVE to, Pay Bills, Shopping etc but once that is done, the mode is deactivated and we are back to being childish. I don't mean childish in a... negative way, I mean watching cartoons, She loves to color in, Sharing our interests (which are not all the same, but do have a lot of overlap), we are always holding hands (which I didn't used to like)