calandale wrote:
Hell yes. Don't you see that there is more
than not understanding what other people
do? It's almost a moral thing - not wanting to
be false to oneself.
Did you not read the article?
If you cannot get a job because you consistently botch interviews, would it not make sense to find out why? Maybe (just maybe) you are doing and/or saying things that actually BETRAY the real you. Maybe if someone else told you how your body language looked to them, or how the things you say sound to them, you would find out, for once, that what you are projecting is NOT at all what you are feeling or intending. But unless someone tells you this, how will you ever know? Your dates will most certainly not tell you, "the reason I stopped calling was because you just seemed very anxious and guarded around me," or "I really like you but you I can't get past your B.O."
Is your TRUE self anxious and stinky? If not, how would changing those outward qualities be false to yourself? And if you truly ARE stinky, then how could it hurt to start smelling a little, uh, fresher?
For example.
(FYI Cal, I didn't notice any B.O.)
Last edited by affengeil on 28 Sep 2007, 11:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.